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Eventseite Kambodscha

Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector

Das Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft organisiert zusammen mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), dem Digital Transformation Center Kambodscha und der Cambodian Academy of Digital Technology einen Inspirational Talk und einen Ideathon zum Thema Gleichberechtigung im Tech-Sektor in Phnom Penh, Kambodscha. Das Event findet auf Englisch statt.


Inspirational Talk:  Women* who inspire in technology with Omouy Heang
Friday, 27 October 2023  | 9:30 am –11:00 am  | Stream


Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector

with a Keynote from Prof. Dr Jeanette Hofmann, Research Director at HIIG

Friday, 27 October 2023  | 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel
Waterfront, Norodom Blvd. (Near Phreak Monivong Bridge)
Village 10 Sangkat Tonle Bassac, 12204, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


The Ideathon on Gender Equality and Equity in the Tech Sector aims to empower women* in the tech and digital industries and promote gender equality and equity. Through interactive discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking sessions, the event aspires to foster international knowledge transfer, generate a broader network, create insightful exchange opportunities and support women* in tech and digital transformation by connecting them with experts, organisations and advocates. With a focus on the digital future of women* in terms of digital literacy and inclusion of women* within the tech industry, we aim to drive positive change, promote inclusivity, and contribute to a more equitable future for all. The participants will collaboratively explore innovative solutions to pressing challenges faced by women* and marginalised communities.

During the Ideathon, you are welcome to participate in a variety of workshops that resonate with your interests. To foster an environment of convergence, we have also planned a keynote on “Unleashing Potential: Creating Pathways for Women Entrepreneurs in Cambodia” from Prof. Dr Jeanette Hofmann, one of HIIG’s research directors and professor for communication theory & media effects research at Freie Universität Berlin, an Inspirational Talk and a group discussion involving all participants and workshop presenters, which will take place on the same day.

Our primary focus resides in reshaping the future of the tech industry by including women* and marginalised communities equally. The Ideathon aspires to cultivate an atmosphere of learning, sharing, and empowerment.


Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr Jeanette Hofmann is research and founding director of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). She is also the scientific director of the research programme The evolving digital society. She is a political scientist and professor of Internet Policy at the FU Berlin and also conducts research at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) on the topics of global governance, regulation of the internet and digital transformation. In addition, she is also head of the WZB project group ‘Politics of Digitalisation‘ (formerly ‘Policy Field Internet’).



Code Like a Girl – Creative Coding Workshop by Natalja Rodionova

Sisters of Code is the first female coding club in Cambodia that was launched by IT Academy STEP Cambodia in early 2019 with an aim to provide free after school coding training for female students from 10 to 20 years old. Sisters of Code exists to empower and support female students through education to discover their full potential and grow a new generation of digital creators.


How to get involved in the Tech industry as a highschool student? by Menghorng Kao

Menghorng is a young talented 17-year-old from a rural province in Cambodia. Despite facing barriers and gender stereotype challenges being a young female interested in STEM education, she has launched her own project “Ladies in Tech” to support and inspire more girls to pursue a career in tech. She has participated in countless competitions, including Volunteer for My Community and Technovation Girls, led by the Ministry of Education in Cambodia and continues to be a role model for girls her age across the country. Most recently, she has been working on another project “STEMUNITY,” a startup to support Cambodian students to explore the STEM Education field.


Empowering Women to excel in technology careers by Voneat Pen

Voneat Pen is Chapter Ambassador of TECHNOVATION Cambodia. Technovation is a global tech education nonprofit that empowers girls to become leaders, creators and problem-solvers. Our Technovation Girls Programme equips young women (ages 8-18) to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. With the support of volunteer mentors and parents, girls work in teams to code mobile apps that address real-world problems.


Breaking Barriers, Building Confidence: Empowering Women in Tech through Imposter Syndrome and Mentorship by Kim Am from Women Shaping Cambodia

During we will be addressing imposter syndrome, a common challenge faced by many women in tech. Help young women recognize their accomplishments, challenge self-doubt, and build self-confidence with tools and techniques to overcome barriers and embrace their unique strengths. Combined with mentoring session by sharing experiences, insights, and advice to help them navigate challenges, set goals, and develop their leadership skills in a safe space for them to discuss their aspirations, concerns, and personal growth.


Agenda Inspirational Talk

All times are in CST (GMT+7) at the View Event Space on Level 6

9:30–10:00 am   Arrival
10:00–10:15am   Welcome & Introduction
10:15–10:45am   Inspirational Talk with Omuoy Heang
10:45–11:00am   Coffee Break


Agenda Ideathon

All times are in CST (GMT+7)

11.10–11.20 am   Welcome Note

H.E. Kry Nallis, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs

11.20–11.40 am   Keynote: “Unleashing Potential: Creating Pathways for Women Entrepreneurs in Cambodia”

Prof. Dr Jeanette Hofmann, Research Director at HIIG

11.40–12.10 pm   Introduction and Presentation HIIG, DTC and cooperation partner
12.10–1.00 pm   Lunch
1.00–2.00 pm   “World Café” – Group Debates and Networking
2.00–2.15 pm   Coffee break
2.15–3.15 pm  Ideathon Round 1 with

Natalja Rodionova, Founder of Sisters of Code and Sokuntepy Chriv, Project

Coordinator at Sisters of Code: Code Like a Girl – Creative Coding Workshop 

 (at meeting room D, level 3)

Voneat Pen, Chapter Ambassador of Technovation Cambodia: Empowering 

   Women to excel in technology careers (at the View Event Space, level 6)

Ratanatepy Narin, Founder and Club President of Teen 4 Tech: Empowering

Girls through Technology (at meeting room E, level 3)

3.15–3.30 pm   Coffee break
3.30–4.30 pm   Ideathon Round 2 with

Menghorng Kao, Co-Founder of  Ladies in Tech & STEMUNITY: How to

    get involved in the Tech industry as a highschool student? (at meeting

  room D, level 3)

Sereyvathana Aing, Social Goods Specialist at Tech for Kids Academy: The

challenges for transitioning form programmer to project manager (at meeting

  room E, level 3)

Kim Tol Tan, Women Shaping Cambodia: Breaking Barriers, Building

Confidence: Empowering Women in Tech through Imposter Syndrome and

Mentorship (at the View Event Space, level 6)

4.30-5.00 pm   Networking


The event is organised as part of the Women* in Tech Project, which is implemented by HIIG and funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Cambodian Academy of Digital Technologies.

For any questions, please contact Sarah Spitz: sarah.spitz@hiig.de.

If you would like to participate in the event, please register using the form below.



Eine Anmeldung ist für diese Veranstaltung aktuell nicht möglich.

Datum der Veranstaltung

27.10.2023 | 11.00 am – 5.00 pm ical | gcal


Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel Phnom Penh Cambodia,  Waterfront, Norodom Blvd. (Near Phreak Monivong Bridge), Village 10 Sangkat Tonle Bassac,  12204 Phnom Penh


Sarah Spitz

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