Bruna Toso de Alcântara
Bruna Toso de Alcântara war Fellow im Forschungsprogramm II: Daten, Akteure und Infrastrukturen.
Zeitschriftenartikel und Konferenzbeiträge
Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). Cyber espionage in times of COVID-19. Rede CTIDC. Weitere Informationen
Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). The Three “Cyber Logics” and Their Implications to Cyber Conflicts: Germany, France, and the United Kingdom as Case Studies. Conference: 19th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Weitere Informationen
Reisdoerfer, B. R., & Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). Germany as a Leader in Determining Cyber Threats in the European Union? Carta internacional, 15(2), 163–189. DOI: 10.21530/ci.v15n2.2020.1063 Weitere Informationen
Toso de Alcântara, B., Jacon Ayres Pinto, D., Forma Klafke, G., & Copetti Cravo, V. (2018). Security in Cyberspace: Dynamics, Limits, and Opportunities – A Workshop Report. SSRN. Weitere Informationen
Andere Publikationen
Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on cybersecurity. Digital society blog. Weitere Informationen
Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). State-sponsored cyber activities in Coronavirus times. Digital society blog. Weitere Informationen
Toso de Alcântara, B. (2020). Sicherheit im Cyberspace: Workshop-Einblicke. Digital society blog. Weitere Informationen
COVID-19 in International RelationsECPR General Conference Online. ECPR. ECPR, Online, United Kingdom: 27.08.2020 Weitere Informationen
Bruna Toso de Alcântara
Cyber and digital policies: good practicesClosing the Gap – International Conference on Cyber, Digital and Tech. EU Cyber Direct project, Egmont Institute, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Online, Belgium: 14.07.2020 Weitere Informationen
Bruna Toso de Alcântara
Moderation von Workshops und Panels
V Graduate Seminar of the Brazilian Association of International RelationsDangers and Challenges of the Cyber World Facing Covid-19. Brazilian Association of International Relations, Online, Brazil: 20.07.2020
Bruna Toso de Alcântara
Organisation von Veranstaltungen
Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits and opportunities14.05.2020. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany. Co-Organised by: Getulio Vargas Foundation, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Federal University of Santa Catarina (International) Weitere Informationen
Bruna Toso de Alcântara, Jörg Pohle
Ehem. Fellow: Daten, Akteure, Infrastrukturen