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The blessing and curse of “no strings attached”: An automated literature analysis of psychological health and non-attachmental work in the digitalization era

Author: Rashid, L., Möckel, C., & Bohn, S.
Published in: Plos one, 19(2)
Year: 2024
Type: Academic articles

Amidst tremendous changes in the worlds of work in light of digitalization, non-attachmental work designs, where individuals gain income without being bound by a fixed administrative attachment to an employer, hold promises of self-actualization along with threats of insecurity. Today’s technology boom and the consequent flexibility and uncertainty it brings into workers’ lives may translate into inspiring growth opportunities or overloading pressure, contingent upon mental health and wellbeing impacts.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Stephan Bohn, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Lubna Rashid, Dr.

Former Associated Researche: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

  • Open Access
  • Peer Reviewed

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