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Stärkung digitaler Fähigkeiten durch Micro-Credentials_Titelbild

Strengthening Digital Skills through Micro-Credentials

Digitalisation has revolutionised the global labour market. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) now support or take over tasks previously performed by humans. This shift is creating new areas of work and requires workers to have a specific set of digital and ethical skills. The ability to use new digital technologies and engage in continuous learning has become a key competence. To help workers acquire these skills, new training models need to be developed. These must be flexible and adaptable to the rapidly changing demands of the digital world.

Micro-credentials offer a flexible solution by providing learning experiences in a short period of time that impart specific skills and knowledge. In this context, the Strengthening Digital Skills through Micro-Credentials project aims to prepare students in Bangladesh, India and Vietnam for the dynamic demands of the digitalised work environment.

Aim of the project

The development of micro-credentials in artificial intelligence and data is the main objective of the project. This includes the creation of basic and specialised courses, as well as training for educators. Upon graduation, students will be able to use these digital skills to successfully position themselves in various sectors of the labour market.

In addition, networking and knowledge sharing will be promoted through learning calls and multi-stakeholder dialogues. These formats facilitate accessible and remote knowledge sharing. They address specific issues and connect a wide range of relevant stakeholders to build a sustainable, cross-border education network.

Practical realisation of the project

The focus is on developing flexible, practical courses. Implementation will take place in two phases: first, basic and specialised courses will be developed, followed by advanced courses, accompanied by extensive networking activities. The sustainable integration of micro-credentials into university curricula is ensured through collaborative workshops and targeted networking.

Moderation of workshops and panels

Workshop on Micro-Credentials about Data. Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). ITC Windsor, Bengaluru, India: 08.11.2024 Further information

Sarah Spitz, Ann-Kathrin Watolla

Workshop on Micro-Credentials about Artificial Intelligence. Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). ITC Windsor, Bengaluru, India: 08.11.2024 Further information

Sarah Spitz, Ann-Kathrin Watolla

Funding and Duration

The project is a collaboration with the German Society for international Cooperation (GIZ) and will run from 1 July 2024 to 30 November 2025 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Man sieht das Wort "GIIZ" in roten Buchstaben und das Logo des BEZ bestehend aus einem schwarnze Adler neben einer stilisierten deutschen Flagge mit schwarzem Schriftzug


Ann-Kathrin Watolla, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead

What are Micro-Credentials?

Micro-credentials are flexible courses that allow for the rapid acquisition of certificates that validate specific skills and knowledge. They enable targeted and rapid development of skills that are immediately applicable in the workplace. They are designed to meet the current needs of industry and technology. By focusing on concrete, practical topics, they offer a modern alternative to lengthy and rigid educational models.

Summer school for female* students

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Call for Applications: Autumn School in Delhi

We invite female* students for an autumn school on AI, data and future skills with an intersectional feminist approach in October 2024.

Explore current HIIG-activities

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