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Navigating Platform Power: From European Elections to the Regulatory Future

Author: Watolla, A., & Kettemann, M. C.
Published in: Digital Society Blog
Year: 2024
Type: Other publications

For the first time since the new EU rules on digital services and markets came into force, an EU-wide election took place. Six weeks later, it’s time to take stock. How are the new EU rules against platform-based challenges for democracy working in real life conditions? Has the vaunted Digital Services Act (DSA) worked in terms of navigating platform power? This article shows that the challenges of implementing the DSA have only just begun to emerge.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Ann-Kathrin Watolla

Researcher: DSA research network

Matthias C. Kettemann, Prof. Dr. LL.M. (Harvard)

Head of Research Group and Associate Researcher: Global Constitutionalism and the Internet

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