Kevin Dankert
Kevin Dankert studied law at the University of Hamburg. His research interest concerns both private and public media law. He had been working at the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research since 2011 as a student worker. Since February 2014 he is employed as junior researcher. In the context of his PhD thesis, he is investigating the normative dimension of Online User Interfaces and the possible consequences for regulation.
Felix Krupar coordinates the cooperation between the Hans-Bredow-Institute and the HIIG.
Foto (c) Hans-Bredow-Institut
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Schulz, W. & Dankert, K. (2016). ’Governance by Things’ as a challenge to regulation. Internet Policy Review, 5(2). Publication details
Dankert, K. (2015). Normative Technologie in sozialen Netzwerkdiensten – Neue Machtstrukturen als Anreiz für einen Paradigmenwechsel der Kommunikationsregulierung? KritV, 98(1), 49-73. Publication details

Former Researcher: Internet and Media Regulation