Gemeinsam Digital
_Gemeinsam digital, the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Berlin, is a central contact point for all companies in Berlin and nationwide that have questions about digital transformation. Our work is practical, user-oriented and cross-industry. The HIIG is in charge of the topics on AI for small businesses, digital business models, digital transformation training. We collaborate and offer competent digital transformation consulting and scientific expertise in these areas:
- AI in SMEs: The AI Training Program is part of the national AI strategy of the Federal Government and the BMWi. Together with Machine Learning and Design Thinking experts from the Hasso Plattner Institute, we are responsible for the AI Initiative for the Berlin Competence Center. At HIIG, two new formats are offered: KI consultation hours and in-depth workshops. During the consultation hours, representatives of small and medium businesses can discuss various issues relating to AI with HIIG researchers. In the in-depth workshops on enterprise AI strategy, partial aspects of AI applications and strategic focal points will be dealt with by small businesses and external experts. In addition to imparting knowledge, the assessment of the current status of the penetration of enterprise AI applications in small businesses is a relevant measure of project success.
- Digital Transformation Consulting for SMEs: Digitisation offers new possibilities for adapting and expanding value chains and business models. Digital business models offer opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, for example by serving new customer groups with digital services. With strategie:sprints, we are setting SMEs on the road to digital transformation and innovation. Our digital transformation consulting approach is as follows: 1. Analysis of the current business model: Where does the future hold opportunities? What challenges does your company face in terms of digital business transformation? 2. building on this, we jointly develop new and creative digital business models for the future of the company in innovative formats. 3. Based on the results, we evaluate different strategic directions and outline a roadmap for the implementation of the designed data-driven business models for the digital economy.
- Collaboration with start-ups: The aim of this work package is to bring established companies and start-ups together. The aim is to find interfaces, to enable a uniform language and to lay the foundation for joint value creation. Based on the Learn.Match.Partner. study, formats are offered that are designed for getting to know (Learn), gaining access (Match) and concrete cooperation (Partners). Established companies usually know about problems and processes in great detail – start-ups, on the other hand, are experts in disruptive technologies and innovative digital business models. In cooperation, both sides complement each other easily and without large investments. Medium-sized companies thus not only remain flexible, but also set new standards in their field of business together with their allies in our ever-evolving digital society.
- Digital transformation training for SMEs: The aim of this offer is to develop a suitable digital transformation training strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises via a needs-based digital training tool. In close interaction with the companies, we determine the needs, identify the learning culture and individual learning patterns, and provide the appropriate digital transformation training methods and formats for the businesses. With the free further education tool, which is developed in close cooperation with the participating SMEs, a digital training tool for sustainable digital transformation in SMEs is made available.
Five partners belong to _Gemeinam digital: The Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) coordinates the project, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Hasso Plattner Institute, the Institute for Innovation and Information Management of the Brandenburg University of Technology and the University of Potsdam are the scientific partners who provide expertise in the field of digitisation.
_Gemeinam digital is a project funded by the The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in the focus area Mittelstand-Digital.
Mittelstand-Digital informs small and medium-sized enterprises about the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. The supported competence centers help with expert knowledge, demonstration centers, best-practice examples as well as networks, which serve the exchange of experience. The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy enables the free use of all services offered by Mittelstand Digital.
Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise and would like to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation?
Get in touch with us and make use of our offers! Further information can be found at www.gemeinsam-digital.de
Duration | 03/2016 – 04/2021 |
Sponsors | German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy |
Christoph Gerling
Associated Researcher: Digital Urban Center for Aging & HealthPhilip Meier
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietySonja Köhne
Doctoral Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Annika Ulich
Former Office Manager, Scientific Coordinator and Stakeholder Management: Digital Urban Center for Aging & Health -
Janis Stöckle
Student Assistant: Innovation & Entrepreneurship -
Lea Erlenwein
Former Student assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Miriam Wolf, Dr.
Former Project lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Nastasja Krohe
Former Student assistant: Data, Actors, Infrastructures -
Tanja Zagel
Former Head: Science Communication | Project Management: IES
Other publications
Ulich, A., Hammerl, L., & Meier, P. (2021). Geschäftsmodellinnovationen. b.i.t.online (02). Publication details
Gerling, C. & Efferenn, F. (2021). Best Practices und Fallbeispiele für Innovationsaktivitäten. Gemeinsam digital. Publication details
Blüml, M., & Köhne, S. (2021). Wissen zu Künstlicher Intelligenz erweitern: Jetzt den neuen Online-Kurs KI entdecken. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Witte, K., & Gradl, M. (2021). Just start, because the timing is always wrong. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Köhne, S. (2020). Mit Wissen durch die Krise: Potenziale digitaler Weiterbildung im Mittelstand. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Meier, P. (2020). Berliner KI-Ökosystem im europäischen Vergleich auf Augenhöhe mit London und Paris. ki-berlin Blog. Publication details
Hungerland, N. & Stöckle, J. (2020). Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit – Mit KI das Klima retten? – Interview mit Martin Wimmer. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Wolf M., & Krohe, N. (2020). Demystifying AI: Learnings für den Mittelstand. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Witte, K. & Gradl, Maria (2020). Wie kommt Künstliche Intelligenz in den Mittelstand? IT-Mittelstand, 11/2020. Publication details
Ulich, A. (2020). Künstliche Intelligenz in der Logistik auf die Zielgruppe zuschneiden. Neu gedacht, digital gemacht: Wie Mittelständler digitalisieren (3), 16-17. Publication details
Ulich, A. (2020). Digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Traditionellen Handel digital denken. Neu gedacht, digital gemacht: Wie Mittelständler digitalisieren (3), 26-27. Publication details
Ulich, A. (2020). Eine Digitalisierungsstrategie für die Jugendbildung. Neu gedacht, digital gemacht: Wie Mittelständler digitalisieren (3), 30-31. Publication details
Ulich, A. (2020). Eine dynamische Zukunft erfordert dynamische Fähigkeiten von mittelständischen Unternehmen. New Mittelstand. Publication details
Meier, P., Friederici, N. (2019). Den Blick weiten: Digitalisierung im Mittelstand. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Künstliche Intelligenz und digitale WertschöpfungIndustrie und Handelskammer zu Berlin. IHK Berlin. IHK Berlin, Online, Berlin: 14.12.2020
Annika Ulich
Kooperation zwischen Startups und MittelstandMittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Regionalkonferenz Berlin. Gemeinsam digital: Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum. Mercure Hotel Berlin Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany: 08.11.2018
Philip Meier
Organisation of events
Innovationsimbiss – Datengetriebene Innovation mit Start-ups umsetzenFrom 08.04.2021 to 08.04.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Christoph Gerling
Digitale Innovation im GesundheitssektorNetzwerkveranstaltung für Mittelstand und Startups. 28.01.2021. Mittelstand-4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Berlin, Online, Germany (National) Further information
Frederik Efferenn, Annika Ulich, Christoph Gerling, Thomas Schildhauer
Artificial Intelligence and SMEsAI Coffee Talks. 10.06.2020. across Mittelstand 4.0 Centres of Excellence, Online, Germany (National)
Klemens Witte, Nils Hungerland
Artificial intelligence consultation hours with small and medium-sized companiesMittelstand 4.0 Centre of Excellence Berlin. From 19.09.2019 to 21.04.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Klemens Witte, Nils Hungerland