Markus Oermann
Markus Oermann studied Law with Media and Culture Law as specialities, Political Science, and Philosophy at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. His research focuses on the theoretical and legal background of Internet based information and communication processes. Since fall 2010 he is a Ph.D. student of the Graduate School Media and Communication Hamburg. The topic of his dissertation is on the right on Internet-based information access. Since May 2012 he is also a doctoral researcher at the Hans-Bredow-Institut, Hamburg.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Oermann, M. (2013). Das „Kommunikationspanopticon“ als Herausforderung für die Datenschutzregulierung von inkludierenden Onlinekommunikationsdiensten. Law as a Service (LaaS) - Recht im Internet- und Cloud-Zeitalter, 53-68. Publication details
Oermann, M. & Staben, J. (2013). Mittelbare Grundrechtseingriffe durch Abschreckung? Zur grundrechtlichen Bewertung polizeilicher „Online-Streifen“ und „Online-Ermittlungen“ in sozialen Netzwerken. Der Staat 2013, 52(4), 630–661. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Doing Internet Governance: Constructing Normative Structures inside and outside Intermediary OrganisationsAssociation of Internet Researchers Conference 2016 (AoIR) (Session: The Internet Rules, But How? An STS take on doing Internet Governance). HIIG. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 05.10.2016
Wolfgang Schulz, Markus Oermann

Former Researcher: Internet and Media Regulation