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Multi-stakeholder dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Tech-Sector

Este diálogo multiactor como parte del proyecto “Women* in Tech” se realizará en español. Para la versión en español, por favor, visite esta página.

The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), together with the Digital Transformation Center (DTC) Mexico, is organising a Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue in Mexiko City. The event will take place during the Regional Digital Transformation Forum in Spanish.


A Gender Perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Tech-Sector

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue

Wednesday, 24 May 2023 | 10:30 am – 1:30 pm CST
Ministry of Economy , C. Pachuca 189, Colonia Condesa, Cuauhtémoc, 06140 Ciudad de México, CDMX


The dialogue centres on the gender perspective within the AI and tech-sector in Mexico and the whole region of Latin America. It will focus particularly on the role of women* and how to create more inclusive technologies and a more diverse technology sector. The aim of the dialogue is to achieve a broad and shared understanding of the perspectives, opportunities and associated challenges for women* in this field. Furthermore, we want to develop strategies and measures to address and navigate these challenges, advancing equality and equity in Mexico and the whole region.

Diverse stakeholders from the public and private sector, as well as from academia and the activist world, who are involved in the field of AI and tech are invited, with emphasis on those focused on gender equality and equity in the sector. Together, we will examine in more detail the challenges and potential benefits of an intersectional gender perspective in the AI and tech sector, and we want to develop strategies and measures to address these challenges. The aim of the dialogue is to achieve a broad and shared understanding of the perspectives, opportunities and challenges faced by women* in this field. In addition, developing strategies and measures to address and navigate these challenges, advancing equality and equity in Mexico and across the region. The results will be summarised in a position paper to shape a more inclusive and diverse technology sector. It can also serve as a reference charter to encourage society, policymakers and companies to reduce barriers to access.

This event is organised as part of the Women* in Tech project, which is implemented by HIIG and funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The multi-stakeholder dialogue is part of the Regional Digital Transformation Forum. The Forum is a joint effort of different GIZ projects and partners to promote fair, inclusive and sustainable digitalisation. The aim of the Forum is to create a collaborative space to link diverse actors of the digital innovation ecosystem, share experiences, perspectives and best practices, as well as innovative solutions that emphasise the value of digital transformation for the benefit of society and the environment in the region. You can pre-register for the Forum here.

Together with you and your expertise, we would like to create a community of practice around the topic of how to include, educate and create a more diverse technology sector in Latin America.


Agenda Multi-stakeholder dialogue

All times are in CST (CEST – 8)


10:30 – 10:40amArrival & check-in
10:40 – 11:00amWelcome and introduction – HIIG/DTC
11:00 – 11:12amInput Talks by Theresa Züger
11:20 – 11:35amCoffee Break
11:35 – 11:55amInput Talk by Mónica A. Ramos Li
11:55 – 12:15pmInput Talk by Daniela Espinoza
12:15 – 1:30omGroup discussions – World Café


Please register through the form below


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Event date

24.05.2023 | 10.30 am – 1.30 pm ical | gcal


Ministry of Economy,  C. Pachuca 189, Colonia Condesa, Cuauhtémoc,  06140 Ciudad de Mexico


Sarah Spitz

Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator Human in the Loop?


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