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Inspirational Talk in Ecuador: Women* who inspire in technology

Este diálogo multiactor forma parte del proyecto de intercambio de conocimientos “Women* in Tech” y se llevará en español. Para la versión del texto en inglés, haga clic aquí.

The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) is coorganising with the programmes Ecuador SinCero and Cadenas Sostenibles of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Ecuador an inspirational talk and a multi-stakeholder dialogue in Quito. The event will be conducted in Spanish.


Inspirational Talk: Women* who inspire in technology

with Leslie Jarrin

Wednesday, 7 June 2023 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Stream
Hotel Dann Carlton, Av. República de El Salvador N 34-377, Quito, Ecuador


Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: A Gender Perspective on Technologies

 Wednesday, 7 June 2023  | 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Hotel Dann Carlton, Av. República de El Salvador N 34-377, Quito, Ecuador



Join us for an afternoon of inspiration and networking with Leslie Jarrin, as we dive into the working world of a woman* in the technology sector in Ecuador and Latin America.

During the talk, Leslie will share her personal journey, challenges and triumphs as a woman* in the industry. Her talk will address the full range of issues that women* and marginalised groups have to overcome in IT, including pay inequality, limited opportunities for career advancement and lack of representation in leadership positions. Leslie’s interview will inspire and encourage you to break barriers and pursue your passions in the tech industry.

The talk will last approximately 30 minutes and will be followed by a multi-stakeholder dialogue and networking session with snacks and drinks, where you can meet other like-minded people and exchange ideas. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur or working professional, this event is an opportunity to hear about the experiences of women* in the tech industry, learn from a successful entrepreneur and expand your professional network. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired and empowered.



Leslie Jarrin is a Computer Engineer from PUCE and holds a Master’s degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from HEC Paris. She is as well an Entrepreneur and co-founder of several technology companies in the country. Leslie has been part of multinational technology companies, being CEO of ThoughtWorks in Ecuador and leading the start-up of its operations in Chile. She is a University professor at PUCE for several years and has been a speaker in multiple national and regional events related to technology and innovation. She has been on the cover of América Economía and has been interviewed by several media such as El Comercio, Revista Hogar, Vistazo, Líderes, Criterios, among others. She is a member of several local and regional boards and co-founder of Mujeres por Ecuador and a reference in the field of women in technology.


Moderator: Sarah Spitz

Sarah Spitz is the project manager for dialogue and knowledge transfer at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). Since December 2022 she also is the project manager of  the project Women in Tech. Prior to that, she worked in Mexico City for different local and national programs for the Goethe-Institute Mexico and afterwards for the Goethe-Institute Berlin. She studied Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies at Free University of Berlin. Her thematic interests focused on Gender Studies and Human Rights, in the context of Latin America.


Agenda Inspirational Talk

All times are in CST (CET – 7)

11:00-11:10Welcome & Introduction
11:10 – 11:40Inspirational Talk with Leslie Jarrin
11:40 – 12:00Coffee Break

Agenda Multi-stakeholder dialogue

12:00- 12:30Introduction and presentation HIIG and GIZ
12:30 – 12:50Presentation from Pamela Renata Castro Salvador, Directora de Dirección de Gestión de Transferencia de Conocimiento Innovativo Agropecuario del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
12:50 – 13:10Presentation from Alexandra Ulcuango, MEGA Mujeres
13:10 – 13:30Presentation from Mónica Molina B., Gestora de Empresariado Social e Innovación, CEPAM Guayaquil
13:30 – 13:50Presentation from Susana Cadena, Directora de Tecnología e Investigación de Fundación Datalat
14:00 – 14:45Lunch
14:45 – 16:00“World Café” – Group Debates and networking


The event is organised as part of the Women* in Tech project, which is implemented by HIIG and funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

For any questions, please contact Sarah Spitz:

If you would like to participate in the event, please register using the following form.


Eine Anmeldung ist für diese Veranstaltung aktuell nicht möglich.

Event date

07.06.2023 | 11.00 am – 12.00 pm ical | gcal


Hotel Dann Carlton,  Av. República de El Salvador N 34-377,   Quito


Sarah Spitz

Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator Human in the Loop?


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