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A Gender Perspective on Equality and Equity in the Tech-Sector in Cambodia. Position Paper for the Ideathon in Cambodia

Author: Spitz, S., Züger, T. & Mosene, K.
Published in:
Year: 2023
Type: Working paper
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10571597

In Cambodia's dynamic technology sector, the Ideathon on Gender Equality and Gender Equity in the Tech Sector was an impulse for progress and a platform for networking, sharing and developing visions for the future of this industry with various stakeholders. Driven by the challenges faced by women in the industry and inspired by the efforts of numerous organisations and individuals working towards diversity and inclusion, this Ideathon was a call to action to identify and remove barriers that prevent the engagement of underrepresented groups, especially women, in the Cambodian tech industry. This position paper outlines actions to overcome the challenges and promote equality and equity in Cambodia's technology sector based on the interactive discussions with various stakeholders from the Ideathon.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Sarah Spitz

Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator Human in the Loop?

Theresa Züger, Dr.

Research Group Lead: Public Interest AI | AI & Society Lab

Katharina Mosene

Researcher: AI & Society Lab

  • Open Access

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