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Articles from the category: Artificial Intelligence

Wie beeinflussen KI-Anwendungen Kreativität

My robot did my homework: AI applications and creativity at the university

Is AI a creativity killer? We consider whether and how generative AI can be used to foster creativity at universities.

public interest AI

Public Interest AI – Quo vadis?

A lot has happened since the founding of our research group on public interest-oriented AI, in science, society and politics. We provide an insight.

Analysing Hugging Face helps us to understand the dynamics of the machine learning hype

Inside Hugging Face

Understanding what actors and organisations are on Hugging Face is crucial for understanding the current dynamics of open-source research in machine learning. 

Detecting easy language on the German web

Lowering the barriers: Accessible language and “Leichte Sprache” on the German Web

How much of the German web uses understandable language? And how much of it is in Leichte Sprache? Our AI & Society Lab takes a closer look.

ecological sustainability is getting more and more important in the tech sector

Public Interest Tech: A take on the actors’ perspectives on ecological sustainability

We asked actors in the field of public interest AI how they deal with ecological sustainability. What do they know about it in general and what measures do they take in particular?

Picture shows a transparent umbrella from above. It stands symbolic for the AI Transparency Circle.

The AI Transparency Cycle

A common notion of AI transparency is to either make code public or explain exactly how an algorithm makes a decision. Both ways sound plausible, but fail in practice.