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Articles from the category: Artificial Intelligence

Myth: What you do with AI in the bedroom is your own thing

While sexuality is considered to be something private, the sex robot reproduces the public/private divide by reinforcing the idea that a feminized caregiver is supposed to provide emotional support and sexualized care work.

Why, AI? – A new Online Learning Space

Everyone talks about AI. But how does it change society? For that, we need to understand how AI works and how we can make it work for us.

Man with a lot of post its on his face

Working from Home but Never Alone: Why People Analytics Have to Be Designed with the Employee in Mind

Remote working challenges management, employees and works councils alike. People analytics could offer support, but only if the software is designed with the employees’ well-being and privacy in mind.

Roundtable dialogues for the future of AI in Europe

With the publication of its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence in February 2020, the European Commission launched a broad consultation process and invited key figures in civil society, industry representatives and researchers to contribute proposals for a European approach to AI.

Opening match: the battle for inclusion in algorithmic systems

How can the increasing automation of infrastructures be made more inclusive and sustainable and be brought into accordance with human rights?

How we use art for academic knowledge transfer

As an art collective we are passionate about escaping the academic ivory tower by translating our academic work into interactive art installations for the broader public. In our latest work,…