Alexandra Auer
Alexandra Auer joined the research program Data, actors, infrastructures: The Governance of data-driven innovation and cyber security as a researcher in December 2022. In the project Data & Smart City Governance she is looking at possible design measures to ensure a transparent communication of the data collecting and processing as well as the therewith connected consent options for the users.
Alexandra graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2018 and a Master’s degree in Integrative Design from the Basel Academy of Art and Design (HGK) in 2021. During her Masters, she explored the interdependence and influence of actions in physical and digital space, with her experimental work primarily focusing on the collection of personal user data and its effects.
During and after her studies, Alexandra worked as a UX designer at a web development agency in Freiburg. After graduation, she additionally worked as a research assistant for the Masterstudio Design at the HGK Basel.
- Media & data · Politics & law
Data & Smart City Governance using the example of air quality management
The project is developing a data governance model with which administration, business and civil society can work together on data utilisation and processing in...
Working paper
Auer, A., von Grafenstein, M., Kruse, L. & de Macedo Schäfer, N. (2023). Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in der datengetriebenen Verwaltung. Ein prozessbezogener Ansatz zur Lösung datenbezogener Interessenkonflikte durch die Ergänzung formeller Beteiligung. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2023(5). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4603704 Publication details
Other publications
Auer, A. & Stenzel, M. (2024). Beteiligung in der Smart City. Digital society blog. Publication details
Stenzel, M. & Auer, A. (2024). Verkehrswende im Kiez: Simulation einer Bürger*innen-Beteiligung in Berlins digitaler Verwaltung. Digital society blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Data & Smart City Governance. Digitales Handbuch für die wirksame datengetriebene Verwaltung16. Start-Smart-Themenwerkstatt: Smart Cities befähigen – Data Governance als Schlüssel zur datensicheren Verwaltung. Koordinierungs- und Transferstelle Modellprojekte Smart Cities (KTS). Online, Online, Online: 28.06.2024 Further information
Maurice Stenzel, Alexandra Auer
Data & Smart City Governance – Datengetriebene Daseinsvorsorge gemeinwohlorientiert realisieren9. Zukunftskongress Staat & Verwaltung. Wegweiser Media & Conferences GmbH. WECC - Westhafen Event & Convention Center, Berlin, Germany: 19.06.2023 Further information
Alexandra Auer, Maurice Stenzel
Data and Smart City Governance. The importance of multi stakeholder processes and citizen participationJoint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs: Digitalisation for Sustainable Development. Centre International de Formation Européenne. Centre International de Formation Européenne, Berlin, Germany: 20.03.2023
Alexandra Auer, Lea Reetz
Moderation of workshops and panels
Wie kann der digitale Leitfaden für Data & Smart City Governance die datengetriebene Verwaltung unterstützen?5. Kongress der Modellprojekte Smart Cities 2024. Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen. KOMED Köln, Cologne, Germany: 20.11.2024 Further information
Maurice Stenzel, Alexandra Auer, Max von Grafenstein
Organisation of events
Reallabor Bürger*innen-Beteiligung: Bessere Luft durch Verkehrswende?25.11.2023. CityLAB Berlin, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Luisa Kruse, Alexandra Auer, Maurice Stenzel, Maximilian von Grafenstein
Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in der dategentetriebenen Verwaltung23.10.2023. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National)
Luisa Kruse, Alexandra Auer, Maurice Stenzel, Maximilian von Grafenstein
Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten. Byte für Byte zur Smart City28.06.2023. STATION Berlin, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Alexandra Auer, Maurice Stenzel
Digitaler Salon: Großbaustelle Daten28.06.2023. STATION Berlin, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Alexandra Auer, Maurice Stenzel, Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz
Participation as expert
Gemeinsam Digital: Berlin – Vorstellung der Pilotprojekte re:publicaArena Berlin und Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany: 05.06.2023 Further informationAlexandra Auer

Researcher: Data & Smart City Governance