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Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Prof. Dr.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay holds a dual appointment as Head of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society Research Group at the HIIG and Professor of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability at LMU Munich.

Before, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg, DAAD Prime Fellow at WU Vienna and Lecturer at Magdalen College, University of Oxford. He received his DPhil from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Prior to this, he worked as a strategy consultant for the Boston Consulting Group.

At the HIIG, Ali Gümüsay coordinates our projects related to business, digitalization and society. This includes projects on AI & work, digital organizing & openness, platforms & ecosystems, and digital entrepreneurship & sustainability. His own research consists of four streams: (1) values, meaning and hybridity in entrepreneurship; (2) grand challenges, sustainability and new forms of organizing; (3) digitalisation, management and innovation as well as (4) impact, scholarship and futures.

  • Entrepreneurship & innovation

    Task Force: Digital Organizing

    The task force Digital Organizing is a group of researchers who study the implications of digital practices for the processes of organizing.
  • Entrepreneurship & innovation

    Digital Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

    In the “Digital Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship" research project, we investigate entrepreneurial organisations that primarily focus on society – often called social enterprises.

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Gümüşay, A. A., & Reinecke, J. (2024). Imagining Desirable Futures: A call for prospective theorizing with speculative rigour. Organization Theory, 5(1). DOI: 10.1177/26317877241235939 Publication details

Theissen, M. H., Theissen, H. H., & Gümüsay, A. A. (2024). Self-transcendent leadership: A meta-perspective. European Management Review. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12640 Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A., Meyer, R.E., & Höllerer, M. A. (2024). Committed Actors, Institutional Complexity, and Pathways to Compromise: The Emergence of Islamic Banking in Germany. Journal of Management Studies. DOI: 10.1111/joms.13061 Publication details

Gullmark, P., Høyvarde Clausen, T., Gümüşay, A.A., & Alsos, G., A. (2024). Public entrepreneurial opportunities: How institutional logics shape public servants’ opportunity evaluation. Public Administration Review.. DOI: Publication details

Gümüsay, A. A., Bohné, T. & Davenport, T. (2023). AI and the Future of Management Decision-Making. Management and Business Review, 1-16. Publication details

Gümüşay, A. A. (2023). Management Scholars of the World, Unite! Organization Studies, 44(8), 1377-1380. Publication details

Bohn, S., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2023). Growing Institutional Complexity and Field Transition: Towards Constellation Complexity in the German Energy Field. Journal of Management Studies. DOI: Publication details

Bohn, S., Gümüşay, A. A., von Richthofen, G., & Reischauer, G. (2023). Digital organising. Internet Policy Review – Concepts of the digital society, 12(4), 1-15. Publication details

Smith, B., Gümüşay, A. A., & Townsend D. M. (2023). Bridging worlds: The intersection of religion and entrepreneurship as meaningful heterodoxy. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20(1), 1-8. DOI: Publication details

von Richthofen, G., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2023). Impact Without Imposition: What Role for Northern Academics in the Global South? Stanford Social Innovation Review. DOI: Publication details

Köhne, S., Ulich, A., & Gümüşay, A. (2022). Digitale Weiterbildung in KMU: Ein Dreiphasenmodell zur Implementierung einer bedarfsgerechten Strategie. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 1(91), 35-41. Publication details

Adler, P. S., Adly, A., Armanios, D. E., Battilana, J., Bodrožić, Z., […], Gümüşay, A. A., et al. (2022). Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy: A Curated Discussion. Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(1), 3–20. Publication details

Gümüşay, A. A., Raynard, M., Etter, M., Albu, O. & Roulet, T. (2022). Digital Technology and Voice: How Platforms Shape Institutional Processes Through Visibilization. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 83, 57-85. Publication details

Scheidgen, K., Gümüşay, A.A., Günzel-Jensen, F., Krlev, G., & Wolf, M. (2021). Crises and entrepreneurial opportunities: digital social innovation in response to physical distancing. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15. Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A. (2021). Crossing boundaries: connecting religion and paradox for leadership and organisation research. Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Learning from Belief and Science, 73a, 95-112. DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X2021000073a007 Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A., & Reinecke, J. (2021). Researching (for) desirable futures: How can we theorize what does not exist? Journal of Management Studies. Publication details

Gümüşay, A. A. (2021). Unity in diversity: Leadership, Organization & Conflict Management. Konfliktdynamik, 10(4), 290–294. Publication details

Gümüsay, A. A., & Reinecke, J. (2021). Researching for Desirable Futures: From Real Utopias to Imagining Alternatives. Journal of Management Studies, 59(1), 236-242. Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A., Smets, M., & Morris, T. (2020). ‘God at Work’: Engaging Central and Incompatible Institutional Logics through Elastic Hybridity. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 63(1), 124 - 154. DOI: 10.5465/amj.2016.0481 Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A. (2020). The Plurality and Prevalence of the Religious Institutional Logic. Business & Society, 59:5, 855-880. DOI: 10.1177/0007650317745634 Publication details

Gümüşay, A. A., & Dobusch, L. (2020). This Is Not (Digital) Business as Usual – The universality of having to operate with limited in-person experiences is reducing the stigma often associated with online interactions. MIT Sloan Management Review. Publication details

Bohn, S., Friederici, N., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). Too big to fail us? Platforms as systemically relevant. Internet Policy Review. Publication details

Friederici, N., Meier, P., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). An opportunity for inclusion? Digital platform innovation in times of crisis. Pioneers Post. Publication details

Gümüşay, Ali Aslan (2019). Embracing religions in moral theories of leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 33(3), 292 - 306. DOI: 10.5465/amp.2017.0130 Publication details

Gümüşay, Ali Aslan; Bohné, Thomas (2018). Individual and organizational inhibitors to the development of entrepreneurial competencies in universities. Research Policy, 47(2), 363 - 378. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2017.11.008 Publication details

Gümüşay, Ali Aslan (2018). Commentary: Sharing is caring: From material to socio-material sharing. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(3), 376 - 377. DOI: 10.5465/amd.2018.0083 Publication details

Gümüşay, Ali Aslan (2017). Unpacking entrepreneurial opportunities – an institutional logics perspective. Innovation: Organization & Management, 20(3), 209 - 222. DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2017.1404430 Publication details

Gümüşay, Ali Aslan (2015). Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(1), 199 - 208. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2223-7 Publication details

Edited works

Gümüşay, A.A., Marti, E., Trittin-Ulbrich, H., Wickert, C. (2022). Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges. In A.A. Gümüşay, E. Marti., H. Trittin-Ulbrich, & C. Wickert, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 79. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X20220000079002 Publication details

Book contributions and chapters

Gümüşay, A., Marti, E., Trittin-Ulbrich, H., & Wickert, C. (2022). How Organizing matters for Societal Grand Challenges. In A.A. Gümüsay, E. Marti, H. Trittin-Ulbrich & C. Wickert, Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges, Research in the Sociology of Organizations (79) (pp. 1-14). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X20220000079002 Publication details

Gümüşay, A. A. (2022). Sustainable business, grand challenges & diverse forms of organizing. In S. Neckel, P. Degens & S. Lenz, Kapitalismus und Nachhaltigkeit, Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit (pp. 273–284). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag. Publication details

Gümüşay, A.A., & Smets, M. (2021). New hybrid forms and their liability of novelty. In M. L. Besharov, & B. C. Mitzinneck (Eds.), Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 69 (pp. 167-187). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X20200000069008 Publication details

von Richthofen, G., Gümüsay, A. A., & Send, H. (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zukunft von Arbeit. In R. Altenburger & R. Schmidpeter (Eds.), CSR und Künstliche Intelligenz (pp. 353-366). Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler. DOI: Publication details

Other publications

Fecher, B., Gümüsay, A. A., Bohn, S. & A. Jobin (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details

Fecher, B., Gümüşay, A. A., Bohn, S., & Jobin, A. (2023). Resilience without accountability holds back transformative change. LSE Impact Blog. Publication details

Siebold, N., Gümüşay, A., & von Richthofen, G. (2022). Der Einsatz von KI zum Wohl der Gesellschaft: Versprechen & Gefahren für Start-ups. Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Siebold, N., Gümüşay, A. A. , & v. Richthofen, G. (2022). The promises and perils of applying AI for social good in entrepreneurship. LSE Business Review. Publication details

Gümüşay, A. (2022). Eine andere Form der Geldwäsche. Andere Zeiten. Publication details

Krlev, G., Scheidgen, K., Günzel-Jensen, F., Wolf, M., & Gümüşay, A.A (2022). Did COVID lockdowns harm entrepreneurship? Not exactly. LSE Business Review. Publication details

Siebold, N., Gümüşay, A., & von Richthofen, G. (2022). Der Einsatz von KI zum Wohl der Gesellschaft: Versprechen & Gefahren für Start-ups. Digital society blog. Publication details

Gümüsay, A., Köhne, S., Schildhauer, T., Krzywdzinski, M., & Send, H. (2022). Why Big Brother should not be watching you at work. I by IMD. Publication details

Siebold, N., Gümüşay, A. A. , & v. Richthofen, G. (2022). The promises and perils of applying AI for social good in entrepreneurship. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Spanuth, A., & Gümüşay, A.A. (2021). Three ways social entrepreneurs work in conflict regions. Pioneers Post. Publication details

Interview with Ali Aslan Gümüşay (2021). Open Science can lead to “Feed Forward” mechanisms in research. The ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. Publication details

Interview mit Ali Alsan Gümüşay (2021). „Eigene Werte nicht verstecken“. profil. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

Integrating Business & Society for Desirable Futures: Diverse forms of Organizing for a Socio-economic Transformation
The Responsible Business Salon #2: 'Future Imaginaries'. Kings College London. Melbourne House, London, Great Britain: 10.10.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Desirable Futures and Prospective Theorizing
IGP 10th Year Anniversary Lecture. UCL Institute for Global Prosperity. Chandler House (UCL), London, Great Britain: 09.10.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Neue Ansätze in der Social Entrepreneurship Lehre für den Umgang mit Komplexität
FutureSEE Transferbrücke. Hybrid: HNEE + online, Eberswalde, Germany: 12.07.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Shaping sustainable futures: An impact entrepreneurship perspective
40th EGOS Colloquium 2024: "Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space and People". EGOS. University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy: 04.07.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

How can academics from the Global North have an impact without imposing their idea(l)s on people in the Global South?
re:publica24. STATION Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 28.05.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay, Georg von Richthofen

Engaged scholarship: Academics that care enough to take a stance
re:publica24. STATION Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 27.05.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay, Leonhard Dobusch, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Maja Göpel

Einführen in Vielfalt: Organisationen richtig führen
Entrepreneurship Perspektiven der Münchener Hochschulen Ringvorlesung. Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, Germany: 14.05.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Islam and Entrepreneurship
Islam and Entrepreneurship. Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation. YaPEIM Main Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 26.03.2024

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Researching Religion and Business
Islamic Finance and Economy Research Seminar Series. Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Education City, Qatar: 18.03.2024

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Artificial Intelligence and Work Representation
39th EGOS Colloquium 2023: "Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination". EGOS. University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy: 07.07.2023 Further information

Sonja Köhne, Georg von Richthofen, Ali Aslan Gümüşay, Hendrik Send

Leading in Academia
Munich Postdoc Day 2023. Insights into Leadership. TUM Vorhoelzer Forum. TUM Vorhoelzer Forum, Munich, Germany: 09.05.2023 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar: A Research Potpourri – Innovative Templates, Circular Forms of Organizing, and Futures
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany: 22.03.2023 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

A Research Potpourri – Innovative Templates, Circular Forms of Organizing, and Futures
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany: 22.03.2023 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Growing Institutional Complexity – Field Transitioning Processes Towards Constellation Complexity.
47. Workshop der WK ORG. Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria: 15.03.2023 Further information

Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Digitale Zukünfte
Digital Future Challenge 2022/23: Halbfinale. Initiative D21, Deloitte-Stiftung. Deloitte Greenhouse, Berlin, Germany: 16.01.2023 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Co-creating Desirable Futures
Internationale Fachkonferenz 2022: Creative Ways into Desirable Futures. Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes. online, online, Germany: 10.11.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Digital organizing in open-source IoT companies. The mutual relationship between datafication and connectification.
38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, Austria: 07.07.2022 Further information

Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Vom digitalen Wandel zur digitalen Wende
Die digitale Transformation gestalten - Fachtagung im Rahmen des 75jährigen Jubiläums der Universität Speyer (Session: Vom digitalen Wandel zur digitalen Wende). Universität Speyer, Speyer, Germany: 08.04.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Class XIV: Organizations, Institutions and War
Organizing in Times of Crisis - Collaborative Open Courses for Master Programs in Business Administration, Management and Organization Studies (Session: Class XIV: Organizations, Institutions and War). Virtual, Virtual, Germany: 01.04.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Engaging Grand Challenges through a Transformative Institutional Logics Perspective.
VHB Conference 2020 (Session: Engaging Grand Challenges through a Transformative Institutional Logics Perspective). VHB, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: 20.03.2020

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Novelty, Entrepreneurship & Organizational Hybridity
EGOS Colloquium. European Group for Organizational Studies. University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, UK: 04.07.2019

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Institutional Complexity; Grand Challenges & Social Entrepreneurship
78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Chicago, USA: 10.08.2018

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Grand Challenges & Organizational Hybridity
Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected. European Group for Organizational Studies. Estonian Business School, Tallin, Estland: 02.07.2018

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Institutional Theory & Logics
The Good Organization. 33rd EGOS Colloquium. European Group for Organizational Studies. Copenhagen Business School, Kopenhagen, Dänemark: 06.07.2017

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Religion & Leadership; Institutional Logics, Organizational Resp. & Elastic Hybridity
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA: 05.08.2016

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Institutional Logics, Organizational Responses and Elastic Hybridity
31st EGOS Colloquium. European Group for Organizational Studies. ALBA Graduate Business School, Athen, Griechenland: 02.07.2016

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

OMT & ODC Doctoral Consortia: Institutional Logics, Organizational Resp. & Elastic Hybridity
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy of Management. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Kanada: 07.08.2015

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Academic Entrepreneurship
29th EGOS Colloquium. European Group for Organizational Studies. HEC Montréal, Montréal, Kanada: 05.07.2013

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Academic entrepreneurship
80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Academy Of Management. Academy Of Management, Boston, USA: 03.08.2012

Ali Aslan Gümüsay


Organisation und Demokratie. Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis im Austausch
49. Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB. VHB. Universität Witten/Herdecke, Witten, Germany: 13.03.2025 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Impact Scholars, Unite! Building Bridges Across Communities Interested in Creating Impact
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024). AOM, Chicago, USA: 11.08.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

What could possibly go wrong? Inputs and discussion about impact, unforeseen consequences and error culture with a focus on design for sustainability and social impact.
Design als Wagnis – Risiken und Wirkungen der Gestaltung. DGTF, Lucerne, Switzerland: 26.04.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Resilienz im digitalen Wandel
#D21TALK – Fachkongress digitale Gesellschaft 2023. Initiative D21 e. V.. Amplifier Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 27.02.2023 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Theorizing Desirable Futures
38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. WU, Vienna, Vienna, Austria: 07.08.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Juliane Reinecke, Tor Hernes

Digital organizing & strategizing in open-source IoT companies. The mutual relationship between datafication and connectification.
38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection. WU, Vienna, Vienna, Austria: 07.08.2022 Further information

Stephan Bohn, Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Quo vadis Künstliche Intelligenz?
ZVEI-Jahreskongress 2022. bcc Berlin Congress Center, Berlin, Germany: 18.05.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Theory Elaboration on Religion in Entrepreneurship Research
LIFE Konferenz. LIFE Konferenz, Berlin, Germany: 12.04.2022 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Mehr KI als Verstand – Technik im Dienste des Menschen?
Ali Aslan Gümüsay. Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany: 10.10.2021 Further information

Mehr KI als Verstand – Technik im Dienste des Menschen?

Entrepreneurship and faith – a diversity of religious perpectives
L.I.F.E. Research Conference 2021 – 1st Annual Research Conference on Faith and Entrepreneurship. Miami University, L.I.F.E. Research Lab. Online, Miami, USA: 08.04.2021 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Brave new world?! Opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in the digital age
Gronen 2020 - All Systems go?! Sustainability in the Digital Age. Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment, Online, Portugal: 17.06.2020 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Moderation of workshops and panels

Organizing for Emerging Digital Technologies: Taking Stock and Moving On
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024). AOM, Chicago, USA: 10.08.2024 Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

The Future of Organisation and Management Theory
The Future of OMT and Futures in OMT. Turkish Academy of Management. online, Instanbul, Turkey: 21.02.2024

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Organisation of events

Wie planen wir besser mit Ungewissheit und gestalten Zukünfte jenseits von Wahlperioden?
Digitaler Salon: Über Morgen. 26.02.2025. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Lara Kauter, Daniel Pothmann, Nele Buß, Sarah Spitz, Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Organizing for Emerging Digital Technologies: Taking Stock and Moving On
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024). From 09.08.2024 to 13.08.2024. AOM, Chicago, USA (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

From Metrics to Meaning: Navigating the Depths of Impact Assessment
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024). From 09.08.2024 to 13.08.2024. AOM, Chicago, USA (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Impact Entrepreneurship: Bridging Environmental, Social, and Responsible Entrepreneurship
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024)e. From 09.08.2024 to 11.08.2024. AOM, Chicago, USA (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab
From 06.03.2024 to 08.03.2024. Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany (National) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Lunch Talk Series I Grand Challenges, Digitalisation & Sustainability
22.06.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information

Sarah Spitz, Ali Aslan Gümüsay

The societal relevance of management & impactful research (The societal relevance of management & impactful research)
VHB Conference Symposium & Workshop 2022. From 08.03.2022 to 11.03.2022. Online, Düsseldorf, Germany (National) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

“Commitment versus Compliance: Prioritizing, Compromizing, and the Development of Templates in Situations of Institutional Complexity”
MAN 910 – Area Management Seminar. 17.03.2021. University of Mannheim Business School, Mannheim, Germany (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium IEG
16.07.2020. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National)

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Grand Challenges and New Forms of Organizing
36th EGOS Colloquium - Organising for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance. From 02.07.2020 to 03.07.2020. EGOS, Online, Germany (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good
Collaborative Open Course for Master Programs in Business Administration, Management and Organisation Studies. 16.04.2020. Organising in Times of Crisis, Online, Austria (International) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

‘God at Work’: Engaging Central and Incompatible Institutional Logics through Elastic Hybridity
07.01.2020. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (National) Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay


Bertelsmann Stiftung: Nachhaltige Wertschöpfung.

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Ideenlauf Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

ONE-SIM Outreach Award.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

IGP Jury des BMWi.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Innovation Programme for Business Models and Pioneer Solutions (IGP).

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Innovation Programme for Business Models and Pioneer Solutions, IGP, BMWi 2021.

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Member: DFG Scientific Network "Strategizing in a Digital Economy".

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Member of DFG Network Digital Strategizing.

Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Board Member: Exhibition at Altonaer Museum.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Principal Investigator: DFG Network “Grand Challenges & New Forms of Organizing”.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Member of the scientific organizing committee: European Group for Organizational Studies, University Hamburg.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Board member: AIWG, University of Frankfurt.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Board member: The Concordia Forum.

Ali Aslan Gümüsay

Participation as expert

Between Benin & Berlin: Research & Impact at the Intersection of Sustainability & Digitalization
Bits & Bäume. Die Konferenz für Digitalisierung und NachhaltigkeitTU Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland: 01.10.2022 Further information

von Richthofen, Georg & Gümüsay, Ali Aslan

Media appearances

Article (17.02.2025). Frankfurter Allgemeine
Further information

Das sind Deutschlands Top 40 unter 40 (15.11.2024). Capital
Further information

Von Zebras und Zukunft: Organisationen erforschen (19.12.2023). Von Zebras und Zukunft: Organisationen erforschen
Further information

Herzlich willkommen, Professor Ali Aslan Gümüsay (01.12.2023). LMU Munich School of Management Magazin Insights
Further information

I'm a knowledge broker (18.08.2023). ZEIT CAMPUS
Further information

Interview: I’m a knowledge broker (18.08.2023). Zeit Campus
Further information

Articlle (14.08.2022). Qamar Magazin
Further information

Podcast (07.06.2022). The Sustainable Business Podcast
Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüşay: „Hier wird gekocht, und gegessen wird im Himmel“ (14.08.2022). Qamar Magazin
Further information

How can we create large scale change? (07.06.2022). The Sustainable Business Podcast
Further information

Expert:innen untersuchen soziales Unternehmertum im Bereich KI (23.02.2022). Tagesspiegel Background
Further information

Open Science can lead to “Feed Forward” mechanisms in research (01.08.2021). Leibniz Information Center for Economics

„Eigene Werte nicht verstecken“ (17.07.2021). Profil
Further information

Ali Aslan Gümüsay


Head of Research Group and Associate Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society



Topics: Digital Transformation, Digitalisation & Economy, Sustainable Entrepreneurship