Alina Wernick
Alina Wernick is an associated researcher at the HIIG and the lead of the project of “Smart city technologies’ long-term human rights risks”. In the project, which funded by the Kone Foundation, she investigates the interrelationship of innovation, surveillance and fundamental rights in smart cities.
Besides her work on data-driven innovation in fields such as automotive and digital health, she conducts legal research in the field of data protection, intellectual property and competition law as well as open innovation. At the HIIG, she has contributed earlier to the “Data Governance” and “The Futures of Telemedicine” projects.
Alina Wernick completing her doctoral degree at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität on the topic of patent law and open innovation. Prior to that, she has completed the International Max Planck Research School for Competition and Innovation as well as conducted doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.
Alina Wernick has obtained master and bachelor degrees in law from the University of Helsinki. During her legal studies, she worked at an interdisciplinary laboratory Simlab at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Aalto University.
Besides her academic experience, Alina Wernick has interned inter alia at a large German law firm and the European Patent office. She has obtained further international experience through a research exchange at the University of Texas and a study exchange at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Grafenstein, M. v., Wernick, A., & Olk, C. (2019). Data Governance: Enhancing Innovation and Protecting Against Its Risks. Intereconomics, 54 (4), 228-232. DOI: 10.1007/s10272-019-0829-9 Publication details
Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L. & Wernick, A. (2011). Paradoxical Tensions in Open Innovation Networks. European Journal of Innovation Management, 14 (4), 521–548. Publication details
Edited works
Bächle, T. C., & Wernick, A. (Eds.) (2019). The futures of eHealth. Social, ethical and legal challenges. Berlin, Germany: Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Wernick, A., & Klünker, I. (2019). Prohibitions on long distance treatment: Historical roots and continuities in limiting the use of electronic telemedicine. In T. C. Bächle, & A. Wernick (Eds.), The futures of eHealth. Social, ethical and legal challenges. (pp. 169-177). Berlin, Germany: Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3297377 Publication details
Wernick, A. (2019). Myth #40: The Internet democratizes innovation. In Kettemann, M. C.; Dreyer, S., Busted! The Truth about the 50 Most Common Internet Myths (pp. 180-183). Hamburg: Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut. Publication details
Wernick, A. (2012). Defining Trade Secrets in Multilateral Research Collaboration. In Oesch, R. & Kankaanpää, H. (Eds.), Sopimaton menettely elinkeinotoiminnassa verkkotalouden aikana. Helsinki:. Publication details
Jarvenpaa, S. L. & Wernick, A. (2012). Open Innovation Networks: The Evolution of Bureaucratic Control. In Bollingtoft, A. ; Donaldson, L.; Huber, G. P.; Dojbak Hakonsson, D. & Snow, C.C. (Eds.), Collaborative Communities of Firms: Purpose, Process, and Design. Information and Organization Design Series (pp. 9-34). New York: Springer. Publication details
Other publications
Erden, D., & Wernick, A. (2021). Alternative Kreditzugänge: Ein Vorteil für benachteiligte Personen? Digital society blog. Publication details
Wernick, A., Juvonen, J. & Patajoki, U. (2012). Innovative public procurement for KHL. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Regulatory, ethical and social aspects of emerging eHealth technologiesSymposium on eHealth: Trends and Innovations. Center of International Health, Center of Advanced Studies at LMU Munich. Center of International Health, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany: 06.03.2020 Further information
Alina Wernick
Personal data in eHealthUrban Knights Salon. Prof Teresa Dillon in partnership with Southwest Creative Technology Network, Watershed and DCRC, University of the West of England. Watershed, The Workshop, Studio 5, Bristol, UK: 09.01.2020 Further information
Alina Wernick
Defining data intermediariesWorkshop: Governing Data as a Resource (Session: Governing Data as a Resource). Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC). Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands: 22.11.2019 Further information
Alina Wernick
Data Governance - Towards a Conceptual FrameworkData Governance: Between Concepts and Case Studies (Session: Conceptual perspectives on Data Governance). Humboldt Institute for Research and Society. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany: 02.07.2019
Alina Wernick
Data Governance - Elaborating on a Research ConceptTowards health futures: digital innovation, infrastructure, and entrepreneurship on bio data (Session: Propositions for research on bio data). Freie Universität Berlin. Einstein Center for Digital Futures, Berlin, Germany: 07.03.2019 Further information
Alina Wernick
Testing AI for health - introduction to legal questionsWorkshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health & ITU. International Telecommunication Union, World Health Organization. EPFL SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne, Switzerland: 22.01.2019
Alina Wernick
Die Innovationsfreundliche ZwangslizenzBig Data: Welche Rechtsregeln brauchen wir?. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France: 21.05.2018
Alina Wernick
Transcending the Shortcomings of Open InnovationDoktorandenseminar: “Der Film im Recht”. ., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 21.04.2018
Alina Wernick
Intellectual Property Law, Open Innovation and IncentivesOpen Innovation Kongress Baden-Württenberg 2018. .. Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany: 09.03.2018 Further information
Alina Wernick
The Fragile Commons3rd IASC Thematic Conference on Knowledge Commons. SciencesPo, Paris, France: 21.10.2016
Alina Wernick
Transcending the Shortcomings of Open InnovationInstitute’s seminar. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany: 13.10.2015
Alina Wernick
Tolerated use as a basis of cultural commons – what are the limits?2nd Thematic Conference on the Knowledge Commons: Governing Pooled Knowledge Resources, September 3–5 2014. New York University, Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy, New York, US: 03.09.2014
Alina Wernick, Michael Häfeli, Henri de Belsunce
Proactive and trialogic procurement contracting.UNDERPINN, Demand, Innovation and Policy – Underpinning Policy Trends with Academic Analysis Conference. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK: 22.03.2012
Alina Wernick, Katja Koskela, Soile Pohjonen
Learning to Collaborate in Multiparty R&D Networks: Building Capacity for Ambiguity.Conference of Organizational Designs for Large-Scale, Multi-Party Collaboration. University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark: 29.05.2010
Sirkky-Lisa Järvenpää, Alina Wernick
AI & IP: New Issues – New Rules?Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Competition: New Tools, New Rules. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the MPI Alumni Association. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany: 05.07.2019 Further information
Alina Wernick
Wem gehört was in Open Innovation – allen alles?Open Innovation Kongress Baden-Württemberg. Steinbeis Europa Zentrum. Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany: 09.03.2018 Further information
Alina Wernick
Organisation of events
Workshop sessionWorkshop# 182: Data Governance for Smarter City Mobility at Internet Governance Forum 2019. From 28.11.2019 to 28.11.2019. Estrel Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Alina Wernick, Maximilian von Grafenstein, Li-hsien Chang, Natalie Kreindlina, Christopher Olk (International) Further information
Li-hsien Chang, Natalie Kreindlina, Alina Wernick, Maximilian von Grafenstein
Data Governance: Between Concepts and Case Studies02.07.2019. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (International)
Natalie Kreindlina, Alina Wernick, Christopher Olk, Maximilian von Grafenstein
The Futures of eHealth - Social, legal and ethical challengesFrom 29.04.2019 to 30.04.2019. Festsaal, Humboldt Graduate School, Berlin, Germany (International)
Niklas Trinkhaus, Irma Klünker, Alina Wernick, Thomas Christian Bächle
Who holds a stake in Smart City Data?From 15.04.2019 to 15.04.2019. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (International)
Alina Wernick, Christopher Olk, Maximilian von Grafenstein
Media appearances
Jure Globocnik, Luc Desaunettes, Heiko Richter: Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Competition: New Tools, New Rules? Panel discussion Report on the Conference of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in collaboration with the MPI Alumni Association (01.09.2019). GRUR Int

Former Associated Researcher: Data, actors, infrastructures