Anett Göritz
Anett Göritz is Ph.D. student at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam. Her research subject concerns the digitalisation and media convergence of the classical creation of value in television productions with a special focus on digital business models. She was associated doctoral researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society researching the subject of ‘Business Models’ in the areas of Internet-based innovation.
She studied Media Management at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. Following graduation she completed her postgraduate Master’s degree in ‘Leadership of Digital Communication’ at the University of Arts in Berlin and the University of St. Gallen.
During her graduation course and following graduation she held various positions at Premiere, Sky Germany and Hubert Burda Media.
Working paper
Beha F., Göritz A., Schildhauer T. (2015). Business Model Innovation: the Role of Different Types of Visualizations. The XXVI ISPIM Conference – Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management. Publication details
Other publications
Göritz A. (2014). Eindrücke aus der ECREA 2014 Konferenz in Lissabon, . Publication details
Göritz A. (2013). This is How We Will Be Watching TV in the Future – Challenges for TV in a Convergent Media World, . Publication details
Göritz A. (2013). Why TV producers struggle withe the Internet, . Publication details
Lectures and presentations
New Business Models for the Television Market – Challenges and Perspectives for TV Production Companies in the Era of Digitalization and ConvergenceIAMCR 2015 (Session: Popular Culture Working Group). Université du Québec à Montràl. Université du Québec à Montràl, Montreal, Canada: 12.07.2015
Lothar Mikos, Anett Göritz
Business Model Innovation: the Role of Different Types of VisualizationsXXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference (Session: Business Models (SIG), Entrepreneurship, & Financing Innovation). ISPIM. Budapest Marriot Hotel, Budapest, Hungary: 14.06.2015
Frederike Beha, Anett Göritz, Thomas Schildhauer
New Business Models for Television: production and value-chains in the era of convergenceNew Directions in Film & Television Production Studies (Session: Panel 5 (Waterside 2): Changing technologies and practices). SUCCESS IN THE FILM AND TELEVISION INDUSTRIES (SIFTI). Watershed Cinema, Bristol, United Kingdom: 14.04.2015
Anett Göritz, Lothar Mikos
Watching Television in the Future and New Distribution ModelsECREA - 5th European Communication Conference (Session: Parallel Session 9 - 17. Television Studies - TV and Innovation). School of Communication, Arts and Information Technologies (ECATI) at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Lisbon Congress Centre (CCL), Lisbon, Portugal: 15.11.2014
Anett Göritz, Lothar Mikos
Moderation of workshops and panels
Pay per Pixel - Current Challenges for Audio-Visual Media: (Legal) Conditions and New Business ModelsEarly Stage Researcher Colloquium. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany: 09.10.2014
Henrike Maier, Lies van Roessel, Urs Kind, Maximilian von Grafenstein, Dr., Anett Göritz

Former Associate Doctoral Researcher: Internet-enabled Innovation
T. +49(0)30 2007-6082