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Die Analyse von Geld als Technologie lenkt unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf neue Fragen: Welche Beziehungen werden technologisch aufgewertet, welche werden ausgeschlossen? Wie wird mit den Daten, die durch digitale Finanztransaktionen entstehen, umgegangen und wie werden diese gespeichert? In dieser Ausgabe werden wir über die Evolution vom virtuellen Geld, unseren Umgang mit ihm und über die Bedenken die er hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes und der Marktdominanz aufwirft, diskutieren.

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Impetus for the digital society


Research project

Interactive Anti-Polarisation Learning Experiences

The project provides students and other interested parties with the tools for understanding and countering the mechanisms of polarisation.

Press release

Survey on hostility towards science

As part of the KAPAZ project, over 2,600 researchers in Germany were surveyed on hostility in science.

Research project

DSA Research Network

We support and improve the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) through co-operative research and networking.


Short videos for science communication

This toolkit teaches researchers how share their scientific findings and exeprtise on TikTok, YouTube & Instagram.

Research magazine

Encore Volume 2023/2024

This issue deals with topics such as populism in the online space, the influence of social media platforms on opinion-forming, and much more.

Research project

Human in the loop?

Our team is investigating how the active involvement of humans can make a difference in automated decision-making processes.



Platform governance

In our research on platform governance, we investigate how corporate goals and social values can be balanced on online platforms.
Du siehst eine Tastatur auf der eine Taste rot gefärbt ist und auf der „Control“ steht. Eine bildliche Metapher für die Regulierung von digitalen Plattformen im Internet und Data Governance. You see a keyboard on which one key is coloured red and says "Control". A figurative metaphor for the regulation of digital platforms on the internet and data governance.

Data governance

We develop robust data governance frameworks and models to provide practical solutions for good data governance policies.
Du siehst Eisenbahnschienen. Die vielen verschiedenen Abzweigungen symbolisieren die Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Gesellschaft. Manche gehen nach oben, unten, rechts. Manche enden auch in Sackgassen. Englisch: You see railway tracks. The many different branches symbolise the decision-making possibilities of artificial intelligence and society. Some go up, down, to the right. Some also end in dead ends.

Artificial intelligence and society

The future of artificial Intelligence and society operates in diverse societal contexts. What can we learn from its political, social and cultural facets?

Digitalisation and sustainability

In terms of sustainability, digitalisation faces countless opportunities and challenges. We explore how technology is used responsibly.
Du siehst eine Bibliothek mit einer runden Treppe die sich in die höhe schraubt. Sie steht sinnbildlich für die sich stetig weiterentwickelnden digitalen Infrastrukturen unserer Wissensgesellschaft. You see a library with a round staircase that spirals upwards. It symbolises the constantly evolving digital infrastructures of our knowledge society.

Open higher education

We explore the use of open higher education & edtech to create, share and disseminate knowledge for all in our knowledge society.
Man sieht einen leeren Büroraum ohne Möbel und braunen Teppichboden. Das Bild steht sinnbildlich für die Frage, wie die Arbeit der Zukunft und digitales Organisieren und Zukunft unseren Arbeitsplatz beeinflusst. You see an empty office room without furniture and brown carpeting. The image is emblematic of the question of how the work of the future and digital organising and the future will influence our workplace.

Digital future of the workplace

How will AI and digitalisation change the future of the workplace? We assess their impact, and the opportunities and risks for the future of work.

Here you will find our experts on current press topics relating to the Internet and digitalisation.

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI). But what is all the hype? Find out with this card game.

This interactive world map provides an overview and data on AI projects in the public interest.


The picture shows a hand with a pink glove and a cleaning spray, symbolising that this blog post wants to get rid of popular Science Myths.

Debunking Science Myths: Preconceptions about science put to the test

What is really true about preconceptions about science? Four popular myths about a constantly quarrelling group of professionals explained simply.

The photo shows a group of young people all looking on their mobile phones, showing that someone with No Smartphone is excluded and perceived as weird.

No Smartphone = Cringe Weirdo

In this blog post, author Jascha Bareis shares his experiences since getting his first smartphone just this year. 

This picture shows the blue and yellow flag of the European Union representing the upcoming European elections.

European elections and digital policy: German party positions

To what extent are German parties addressing digital policy in the European elections? A glance at the election programmes reveals different priorities.