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169 HD – Why AI (1)
21 May 2021

Call for contributions: Why, AI?

We invite researchers and professionals from academia, industry and civil society from diverse backgrounds to participate in our online learning space “Why, AI?” to debunk myths around artificial intelligence.

“AI will kill us all!” or “AI treats everyone equally!” – Everyone talks about AI as it has become one of the defining technologies of our lifetime. But there are a lot of misconceptions and uncertainties people have around it, too. We would like to change this for we believe it to be extremely important to add to an informed public discourse.

Are you eager to support us in this mission? Are you interested in cutting through the noise and fostering the public debate on artificial intelligence? Do you have an AI myth in mind that you would like to deconstruct – once and for all?

We invite researchers and professionals from academia, industry and civil society with diverse backgrounds to participate in our Online Learning Space



Why, AI?
Unravelling Myths about Automation, Algorithms, Society and Ourselves

hosted by the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) in the framework of the AI & Society Lab and the Research Group Global Constitutionalism and the Internet.

Explore the learning space


We are bringing together an interdisciplinary team of researchers and speakers around the globe to contribute to an AI myth-busting repository. Every week, a new lecture is being added to that learning space with the goal to further unravel legends about AI and automated decision support systems, data and society. Why, AI? is conceptualised as an open education resource (OER) and all material will be licensed under CC BY.

Will you embark on this important journey and share your idea with us? Then submit your contribution here or get in touch at We look forward to your myth!

What exactly would you have to contribute?

  • a very short abstract and 3-4 punchy keywords on your topic
  • 10 slides on your topic (slide deck provided)
  • a 25min recorded video lecture (presenting the slides)
  • a 30sec intro video (who are you and what makes AI so fascinating to you?)
  • core readings, bonus material on your topic, and inspiring people & projects


More information about the project


Daniela Dicks

Fromer Co-Lead & spokesperson: AI & Society Lab

Matthias C. Kettemann, Prof. Dr. LL.M. (Harvard)

Head of Research Group and Associate Researcher: Global Constitutionalism and the Internet

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