Christoph Gerling
Christoph Gerling has been a research associate at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) since 2019. In the research group “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society“, he is co-designing a learning quarter within the initiative “Digital Urban Center for Health & Aging” (DUCAH) to develop and test new health solutions. In his doctoral thesis, Christoph deals with the intelligent use of data in the context of digital health applications. Here, his focus is on young companies. For his PhD project, Christoph is also funded by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
Previously, Christoph was involved in the project “Learn. Match. Partner.” project, which was part of the “_Gemeinsam Digital” initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. _Gemeinsam Digital aimed to support small and medium-sized enterprises in their digital transformation. In this context, Christoph investigated the extent to which partnerships between medium-sized companies and start-ups can provide answers to the challenges of digitalization.
Christoph studied Aerospace (M.Sc.) and Technology and Management (B.Sc.) at the Technical University of Munich. During this time, he founded several seminar formats as coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Initiative of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the goal of which is to inform, motivate and network people interested in starting a business. Furthermore, as a contact person at the university location, he took care of information events at the universities and colleges.
Prior to his research work at HIIG, Christoph gained practical experience in consulting and several start-ups. Most recently, he worked as a product owner on the development of a search and e-commerce funnel for the online purchase of used cars and daily registrations.
- Entrepreneurship & innovation
Learn. Match. Partner.
The aim of the first phase is to develop an understanding of the functioning and basic principles of the partner. Interfaces thus found enable... - Entrepreneurship & innovation · Society & culture
Gemeinsam Digital
_Gemeinsam digital, the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Berlin, is a central contact point for all companies in Berlin and nationwide that have questions about digitization. Our...
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Gerling, C., Bickel, F., Haskamp, T., & Uebernickel, F. (2022). Collaborate to Innovate: Utilizing Design Patterns Cards for Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. 55th Hawaii Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Publication details
Gerling, C., Meier, P., & Koehler, C. (2022). AI meets Digital: A Critical Review on Artificial Intelligence in Digital Entrepreneurship. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. Publication details
Meier, P., Köhne, S., Wolf, M. & Gerling, C. (2022). Supporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Digital Transformation – Reflections on a Flagship Support Program in Germany. The Digital Revolution and the New Social Contract series, Center for the Governance of Change, IE University, 1-17. Publication details
Gerling, C., Bosch-Herterich, A., de Paula, D., Haskamp, D., Uebernickel, F. (2020). Exploring boundary objects and their affordances in the context of design thinking projects from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Research Paper submitted to IPDMC 2020 (Innovation and product development management conference). Publication details
Gerling, C., Misteli, F., de Paula, D., & Uebernickel, F. (2020). Exploring Boundary Objects in Creative Projects: An Investigation of a Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration. ISPIM Connects Global Conference 2020. Publication details
Gerling, C., Florian, M., de Danielly, P., & Uebernickel, F. (2020). Exploring Boundary Objects in Creative Projects: An Investigation of a Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration. ISPIM Connects Global 2020. Publication details
Other publications
Gerling, C. & Efferenn, F. (2021). Best Practices und Fallbeispiele für Innovationsaktivitäten. Gemeinsam digital. Publication details
Organisation of events
Digitaler Salon: Digital Hell's Care?27.10.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Natasha Vukajlovic, Marie Blüml, Christoph Gerling, Christian Grauvogel
Innovationsimbiss – Datengetriebene Innovation mit Start-ups umsetzenFrom 08.04.2021 to 08.04.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Christoph Gerling
Digitale Innovation im GesundheitssektorNetzwerkveranstaltung für Mittelstand und Startups. 28.01.2021. Mittelstand-4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Berlin, Online, Germany (National) Further information
Frederik Efferenn, Annika Ulich, Christoph Gerling, Thomas Schildhauer
Research Team "The Digital Revolution and the New Social Contract" at IE Madrid.Sonja Köhne, Fabian Stephany, Philip Meier, Miriam Wolf, Christoph Gerling

Associated Researcher: Digital Urban Center for Aging & Health