Christopher Newman
Christopher Newman studied liberal arts at the University College Maastricht in the Netherlands. His area of concentration was international affairs with a minor in science and technology studies.
He has gained work experience as an editorial assistant at a European policy journal in Brussels and as an intern at a communications firm in Berlin.
At the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Christopher is supporting projects in the research area Innovation and Entrepreneurship and e-learning.
Working paper
Hansch, A., Hillers, L., McConachie, K., Newman, Ch., Schildhauer, T., Schmidt, P. (2015). Video and Online Learning: Critical Reflections and Findings from the Field. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2015(02), 1-34. Publication details
Other publications
Hansch, A., Hillers, L., & Newman, C. (2015). Why we need to fundamentally rethink the role of video in online education. Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Former Associate Researcher: Internet-enabled Innovation