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Lecture series: Making sense of the digital society

The rapidly advancing technological shift brings about enormous uncertainties. To better understand and shape these changes in the future, comprehensive explanations and classifications are essential. Therefore, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) have launched the lecture series Making sense of the digital society. The goal is to develop a European perspective on the current transformation process and its societal implications.

A collection of the previous lectures is also part of the Digital Society Compendium.

Latest lecture

Kim Lane Scheppele: Democracy at risk – The autocrat's spyware?

Kim Lane Scheppele: Democracy at risk – The autocrat's spyware?

In this session, we discuss how the use of surveillance technologies is increasingly undermining democratic systems within the EU.

Past lectures

  • Kim Lane Scheppele: Democracy at risk – The autocrat's spyware?

    Kim Lane Scheppele: Democracy at risk – The autocrat's spyware?

    In this session, we discuss how the use of surveillance technologies is increasingly undermining democratic systems within the EU.

  • Carola Westermeier: Money as a digital technology

    Carola Westermeier: Money as a digital technology

    In this issue, we will discuss the evolution of virtual money, how we deal with it and the concerns it raises about data protection and market dominance.

  • Rob Kitchin: Navigating Smart Cities

    Rob Kitchin: Navigating Smart Cities

    In this session, we will discuss equal access to technology and decision-making, social justice and agency among all citizens within smart cities.

  • Daniel Miller: The global evolution of smart technologies

    Daniel Miller: The global evolution of smart technologies

    Daniel Miller's keynote will provide insight into the results of ten years of ethnographic research on digital media use.

  • Lorenz Hilty & James Maguire: Digitising the environmental paradigm

    Lorenz Hilty & James Maguire: Digitising the environmental paradigm

    These lectures by Lorenz Hilty & James Maguire give an insight into the challenges of sustainability in a digitised world.

  • Gina Neff: Making AI work for us

    Gina Neff: Making AI work for us

    This lecture by Gina Neff gives an insight into how AI can work for us.

  • Stefania Milan: Resistance in the datafied society

    Stefania Milan: Resistance in the datafied society

    This lecture by Professor Stefania Milan gives an insight into resistance in the datafied society.

  • David Betz: Warfare in the digital age

    David Betz: Warfare in the digital age

    This talk gives an insight into warfare in the digital age.

  • Kanta Dihal: How the world sees intelligent machines

    Kanta Dihal: How the world sees intelligent machines

    This talk will introduce culture-specific visions of technology from around the world and discusses if these marginalised perspectives are still of great relevance for today’s societies.

  • Krisztina Rozgonyi and Marius Dragomir: Freedom of expression in Central and Eastern Europe

    Krisztina Rozgonyi and Marius Dragomir: Freedom of expression in Central and Eastern Europe

    This talk will examine the media systems in Central and Eastern Europe and how we can safeguard the freedom of expression in the digital era

  • Helen Kennedy: Everyday life in times of datafication

    Helen Kennedy: Everyday life in times of datafication

    Helen Kennedy will talk about the relationship between existing social inequalities and datafication.

  • Judith Simon: The ethics of AI and big data

    Judith Simon: The ethics of AI and big data

    This talk will examine how fundamental rights and moral values can be accounted for in the design, development and management of digital technologies

  • Genia Kostka: Big data dreams and local reality in China

    Genia Kostka: Big data dreams and local reality in China

    This talk will examine the intended and unintended consequences of incorporating digital technologies into local governance processes in Chinese cities.

  • Jan-Werner Müller: The critical infrastructure of democracy

    Jan-Werner Müller: The critical infrastructure of democracy

    Political parties and professional media are undergoing major structural transformations today. The lecture will offer an account of the distinctive roles of intermediary institutions and also suggest normative criteria for judging how well intermediary powers are working.

  • Iyad Rahwan: How to trust machines?

    Iyad Rahwan: How to trust machines?

    Machine intelligence plays a growing role in our lives. Today, machines recommend things to us, such as news, music, and household products. They trade in our stock markets and optimize our transportation and logistics. How do we ensure that these machines will be trustworthy?

  • Tilman Santarius: Making digitalisation work for the climate!

    Tilman Santarius: Making digitalisation work for the climate!

    Digitalisation is one of the biggest transformation processes of our time - everyone agrees on that. But what does it mean in concrete terms for ecology and social justice? What opportunities and risks does digitalisation hold for sustainability?

  • Joanna Bryson: The role of humans in an age of intelligent machines

    Joanna Bryson: The role of humans in an age of intelligent machines

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and the information age are bringing us more information about ourselves and each other than any society has ever known. What are the limits of AI? Of intelligence and humanity more broadly? What are our ethical obligations to machines?

  • Livestream: Philipp Staab – The crises of digital capitalism

    Livestream: Philipp Staab – The crises of digital capitalism

    For around 50 years, digital technologies have been the key to economic transformation. However, it is only since the late 1990s that we have begun to see the emergence of a genuinely digital capitalism with the commercial Internet at its core.

  • Cancelled: Lina Dencik – Justice in the Datafied Society

    Cancelled: Lina Dencik – Justice in the Datafied Society

    Cancellation of the event due to COVID-19 Due to the immediate measures decided on 11...

  • Sybille Krämer: Cultural history of digitisation

    Sybille Krämer: Cultural history of digitisation

    It is often assumed that digitisation and computer technology are inseparably linked. However, digitality is...

  • Rasmus Kleis Nielsen: The power of platforms and how publishers adapt

    Rasmus Kleis Nielsen: The power of platforms and how publishers adapt

    Today, more people follow the news via platform companies like Facebook and Google than via any news organisation in human history, and smaller platforms like Twitter serve news to more people than all but the biggest publishers.

  • Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy

    Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy

    The collection and analysis of data is changing the way economies operate. Are these changes so fundamental that they can be said to have led to the emergence of a new form of capitalism – surveillance capitalism?

  • Armin Nassehi: What problem does digitalisation solve?

    Armin Nassehi: What problem does digitalisation solve?

    Digital technology has revolutionised the world in just a few years: our relationships, our work...

  • Louise Amoore: Our lives with algorithms

    Louise Amoore: Our lives with algorithms

    From detecting anomalies in the landscape of medical images to drone footage to the influencing...

  • José van Dijck: Europe and responsible platform societies

    José van Dijck: Europe and responsible platform societies

    The growing pains of digitisation involve intense struggles between competing ideological systems and contesting societal...

  • Dirk Baecker: Digitalisation and the next society

    Dirk Baecker: Digitalisation and the next society

    A new era in human society is beginning with digital media. While language, writing and...

  • Eva Illouz: Capitalist subjectivity and the internet

    Eva Illouz: Capitalist subjectivity and the internet

    In her lecture, Eva Illouz takes a closer look at the dating app Tinder. In...

  • Andreas Reckwitz: Digitalisation and society of singularities

    Andreas Reckwitz: Digitalisation and society of singularities

     The late-modern society produces singularities. It does no longer aim at the general, standardized...

  • Nick Couldry: Colonised by data – the hollowing out of digital society

    Nick Couldry: Colonised by data – the hollowing out of digital society

    The current datafication of society not only brings about another iteration of capitalism, but also...

  • Stephen Graham: The politics of urban digital infrastructures

    Stephen Graham: The politics of urban digital infrastructures

    Already more than half of the world’s population lives in cities – and this number...

  • Marion Fourcade: Social order in the digital society - Generic Image

    Marion Fourcade: Social order in the digital society

    Modern institutions, both public and private, rely on tools and procedures that track individuals, assess...

  • Elena Esposito: Future and uncertainty in the digital society

    Elena Esposito: Future and uncertainty in the digital society

    What does knowing through algorithms and AI mean? How does AI shift our understanding and production of knowledge?

  • Christoph Neuberger: Democracy and public sphere in the digital society

    Christoph Neuberger: Democracy and public sphere in the digital society

    What happens with our central democratic values like freedom, equality and truth in the digital...

  • Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society

    Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society

    How is power constituted in the digital society? Who is powerful – and how can...

  • contact

    Thomas Christian Bächle, Dr.

    Head of research programme: The evolving digital society


    This compendium provides a collection of current research on digitalisation and society. It is based on the lecture series.


    Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.


    Be the first to learn about our new events and exciting research results.
