A living knowledge network | Event
Today, researchers interact ‘offline’ with their research devices and they document research results in traditional name-value databases such as Excel. They make sense of findings by ‘mapping’ them manually into a scientific narrative which they publish after a certain condition is fulfilled. This process has been criticised to be too vulnerable to subjective perspectives which might result in scientific story-telling and ‘waste’.
Imagine following: In the future researcher work within the Internet of (research) things that ‘sensors’ research data in an immutable and unforgettable manner using blockchainified research databases. Imagine further so that new network analyses might provide novel insights into dependencies in our surroundings which can be objectively ‘mapped’ and constantly re-evaluated, published and discussed.
In an event organised by HIIG associated researcher Sönke Bartling this prospective of a living knowledge network shall be discussed. For a further discussion on whether Blockchain could be a technical solution to the current reproducibility crisis in science, also see the publication Blockchain for science and knowledge creation by Sönke Bartling and Benedikt Fecher.
The guests of the event are:
- James Littlejohn,who will speak about “A living knowledge network (dsensor.org) based on Blockchain technology.”
- Tobias Fries, who will speak on “Less waste, more true results: Innovative discovery methods and immutable data trailing in the internet of research things.”
Next to the presentations there will be an open mic for brainstorming. Please sign up for the event through meetup.
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