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Blockchainified scientific computations & the living knowledge network

HIIG associated researcher PD Dr. Sönke Bartling is inviting to discuss Blockchain & Open Science.

Blockchainified scientific computations & the living knowledge network 
22.08.2017 | 19:00 | HIIG | Französische Str. 9 | 10117 Berlin

After an introduction about the topic by Sönke Bartling, a broad range of speakers will give further input on various topics of the Blockchain & Open Science subject:

  • Dr. Christian Reitwiessner (Team Lead at Ethereum, Creator of Solidity) on “Scalable Certified Computations” (,
  • James Littlejohn (Living Knowledge Network) on the status of the Living Knowledge Network and
  • Dr. Roman Gonitel (Redescience, Living Knowledge Network) on “Shared Ethos- Sheath- the Glue of a Collaborative Network: from the Game of Possession to the Game of Generosity”.

For more information of Blockchain for Science and Knowledge Creation see the living document on ‘Blockchain For Open Science and Knowledge Creation’.

Interested? To participate in this event, please sign up for the meetup event here.

Event date

22.08.2017 | 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm ical | gcal


Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Sönke Bartling, PD Dr. med.

Former Associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society


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