The film and television industry is undergoing huge technological change.
For decades, the Industry has concentrated its efforts on keeping analogue film and its carrier viable, on preserving it, and on restoring it. With the advent of Digital film’, the term ‘film’ has nothing to do with the carrier any more. It’s all about the work of the filmmakers, as the intellectual and artistic expression they wish to convey to the viewers – stored as ‘content’ within digital files.
Along with new Production methods come fundamental changes of concept on every level; changes to the business model and impact on audience consumption. How will we consume content in 2020? What will the Production tools look like then?
CHANGING THE PICTURE is a technology conference on November 19 and 20 2014 aimed at broadcast industry executives; producers, production managers, sales and distribution companies and technology providers.
The cooperative research project dwerft – linked film & tv services, in which the HIIG is involved, also offers a workshop to the conference. Together with Rotor Film and CineWrap current technologies and latest results of research on the subject of Linked Produktion Workflows will be presented.
visit event page |
program overwiev |
early bird ticket (up to october 10) | 95,00 € |
standard ticket | 175,00 € |
The registration is possible at the events homepage.
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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