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David Betz: Warfare in the digital age

The event will be held in English and simultaneously interpreted into German. In addition, the lecture will be broadcast live from 7 pm. The recorded video will be uploaded to this website a few days after the event.

War does not change in its nature. Warfare, however, mutates constantly. Belligerents are forever adapting to potential new ways and means of war that technological and social change enables. The industrial and scientific revolution massively accelerated the ‘machinification’ of war, a development which ultimately doomed the European empires. Now, the digital age is here, some say it arrived half a century ago already. What has it changed in the conduct of war?

Since the end of the Cold War there have been many theories to answer this question: Regular war is out! Irregular war is in! Cyberwar is coming! Hybrid war is coming! The current Russo-Ukraine war suggests, though, that these theories are not completely accurate. Warfare in the digital age seems to combine old ways and means with a few new ones in a manner that is proving challenging. This too will be consequential. Perhaps empires are rising and falling again?

David Betz: Warfare in the digital age
Monday 29 August 2022 | 7 pm | Doors open 6:30 pm
Säälchen – Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Livestream –



David Betz is Professor of War in the Modern World in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He has written widely on the effect of information technology on war and warfare in recent times, many of these ideas being found in his 2017 book Carnage and Connectivity: Landmarks in the Decline of Conventional Military Power (Hurst). His main interest at present is in the astonishing size, range, and design ingenuity of contemporary fortifications. These reflections will be published in 2023 in his upcoming book The Guarded Age (Polity).

Corona note

Due to the continued high level of infection, the event will take place under the 3G rule. Admission will only be granted to registered persons who have been fully vaccinated, recovered or can provide a test result valid on the day of the event. Persons who have been boostered and those who have recently recovered are not required to bring an additional test. Masks are still required. As the admission takes longer than usual due to the hygiene concept, we kindly ask you to be there in time.


18:30  Doors open
19:00  Welcome and introduction
19:10  David Betz: Warfare in the digital age
20:00  Discussion and questions from the audience. Moderation: Tobi Müller
20:45  Get-together


For press accreditation, please contact Frederik Efferenn.

Making Sense of the Digital Society

The current rapid pace of technological change creates enormous uncertainties – and thus the need for explanations that help us better understand our situation and shape the future. The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) are therefore continuing the Lecture Series Making Sense of the Digital Society that was launched in 2017. The aim of the format is to develop a European perspective on the current processes of transformation and its societal impact.



Media partner:




Please note: You only have to register, if you want to attend the event at the venue in Berlin.  The event also will be live streamed on the HIIG website.


Eine Anmeldung ist für diese Veranstaltung aktuell nicht möglich.

Event date

29.08.2022 | 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm ical | gcal


Säälchen – Holzmarkt,  Holzmarktstraße 25,  10243 Berlin


Lena Henkes

Researcher: Knowledge & Society


This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.


Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.


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