The IT blogsphere and its impact on digital policy – Lunch Talk
O P E N B R O W N – B A G L U N C H
The IT blogsphere and its impact on digital policy –
Lunch Talk with Jens Pohlmann and Adrien Barbaresi
Wednesday, 7 August 2019 · 1 pm · HIIG Kosmos
Following the assumption that IT news outlets represent an avant-garde of technologically and socially interested experts, Jens Pohlmann (GHI) and Adrien Barbaresi (BBAW) present a research platform to observe their input on the public discussion of matters situated at the intersection of technology and society.
Their goal is to identify the most influential stakeholders in the respective subfield, their communication strategies, and the arguments they bring forward. What are the challenges these players detect with regards to the impact of digital technologies on democracy and to what extent do they differ from those recognized on the other side of the Atlantic?
The platform is intended to become a research tool for scholars who are working at the crossroads of technology, public policy, society and the Internet. It quickly provides access to the relevant discourse and allows users to query, study, and explore the different corpora and medial registers. Digital Humanities research methods such as assisted close reading, distant reading processes, and the analysis of communication and reference networks will allow for investigations regarding free speech issues, privacy laws, upload filters, AI, or copyright legislation in the digital age.
Jens Pohlmann, Ph.D. (German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.)
Dr. Adrien Barbaresi (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ZDL)
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