Presentation and Awards | Game Jam: Unveil the privacy threat
On 7 and 8 October 2017 we run a Game Jam to explore solutions for new challenges of the concepts behind trending topics such as smart city, privacy and security. Together with game designers and experts in the field of privacy and security we will develop game concepts to simplify and innovate the methods of employee training for data-driven companies. The unique form of the event promises a comprehensive, intuitive and creative approach in teaching complex matter.
Presentation, Award, and Networking | Game Jam: Unveil the privacy threat
8 October 2017 | 18:00 – 20:30 | Doors open 17:45
Sirius Minds, Französische Str. 12, 10117 Berlin
Invite your friends on Facebook
The starting point for the jammers: How do we build smart cities in a privacy and security-friendly way, when more and more movements and human actions are tracked by public wifi and camera systems? How to develop the right infrastructure? How to sensitise employees handling risky data in businesses? In more general words, how to combine state-of-the-art privacy and security and creative thinking? In order to explore answers to these questions the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society is organising a 2-day event for game designers and experts in the field of privacy and security. Join us to see the results, share your ideas and make new contacts.
Sunday, 8 October 2017
17:45 | Open doors |
18:00 | Presentation of the game concepts |
19:00 | Evaluation of the results by the jury | Get-together |
19:30 | Award ceremony |
20:00 | Get-together |
Jury and Awards
Jury members: Michelle Dennedy (CISCO), Meike Kamp (Datenschutzbehörde), Nico Nowarra (Experimental Game), Lies van Roessel (Hans-Bredow-Institut), Thomas Schildhauer (HIIG), Eva Schulz-Kamm (Siemens), Lars Vormann (Gamescom), Jillian York (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
The best game idea will be awarded by an expert jury with an exciting prize – a weekend trip to London for the whole winning team including a visit of The Crystal, the world’s largest museum on the future of (smart) cities – sponsored by Siemens. Furthermore, amongst all participants, we give away two one-year-memberships of Adobe Creative Cloud sponsored by Adobe.
Organisers and Partners
An event within the research project Privacy by design in smart cities organised by Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society financed by Cisco, in collaboration with INNOVATION AND LAW, Booster Space and iRights.Law.
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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