Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits and opportunities
Wondering how cyberspace can bring challenges and solutions for interstate relations? Interested in Northern and Southern perspectives on this issue? So come join us in May!
Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits and opportunities
14th May 2020 | 1.30 – 8.30 pm
HIIG | Online Event | hiig.de
The deep interlacing between society and cyberspace has been changing human interactions in several societal spheres, such as the economic, legal, and political ones. Specifically, regarding interstate communications, these changes present themselves in such a dynamic way that digital actions usually mismatch traditional strategic thinking, leaving room for uncertainties and possible unforeseen effects in the physical world. Thus, at the same time that cyberspace presents opportunities for society, it can also provide a new venue for vulnerabilities, maximized by the fear of deviant online actions targeting critical infrastructure and the imbalances between digital openness and surveillance. These dynamics with their limits and opportunities need to be better assessed and discussed by the various actors present in cyberspace, and that is the aim of the present workshop.
Besides, the workshop is an effort to link North and South concerns toward security, liberty, conflicts, and power relations in the digital domain. Specifically, the aim is to bring together Brazilian and European scholars in order to demystify the perception that cyber issues are constrained to a very few “great powers” like China, Russia, and the USA. Moreover, the workshop seeks to show the audience that good practices and some institutional approaches may offer alternative ways of conducting actions in cyberspace. To this end, the workshop will encompass four panels, each touching upon one central issue. The first panel will address the possible implications of framing cyberspace as a war domain for society and interstate relations. The second panel will focus on the discussion on the tensions between security and liberty online. The third panel will focus on cybersecurity frameworks in Brazil and Europe. The final panel will synthesize how all the previous topics relate to power relations in the digital realm.
We invite researchers and students from all disciplines as well as practitioners from public and private sectors, technologists and policy-makers, to join our discussion, to find common ground and explore ways forward in research.
If you have any questions, please contact Bruna Toso de Alcântara (bruna.toso@ufrgs.br)
Please note that this is a purely English speaking event.
Workshop Program
13:30 Welcome Address
13:40 Panel “Cyberspace as a war domain: opportunities and downsides”
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Panel “Liberty vs. Security in Cyberspace: What is the future ahead?”
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Panel “Brazil and European Union Cybersecurity overview: policies, institutions, and capacities”
19:00 Coffee Break
19:30 Panel “Interstate dynamics in Cyberspace and their consequences for International Relations balance of power”
20:30 Conclusion and End of Workshop
Please register until May 13th, 1 pm with your email address to receive further information and all relevant links for the participation.
This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.
Once a month we publicly discuss the impact of digitalisation on the society. Therefore we invite special guests and engage in a dialogue with the audience.
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