Fabian Braesemann, Dr.
Having worked as a data scientist in industry and academia, Fabian has investigated social phenomena with a multitude of different online data sets in domains as different as marketing, real estate, innovation, online freelancing, and political extremism. He is confident that, thanks to the availability of large data sets and computational methods, it will be possible to describe social phenomena with the same accuracy as processes in the natural sciences.
Fabian has studied economics in Berlin, Warsaw and Vienna. He holds a doctoral degree from Vienna University of Economics and Business (2016) and he works as a Data Scientist at the University of Oxford since 2017.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
McCarthy, P., Gong, X., Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Rizoiu, M.-A., & Kern, M. L. (2023). The impact of founder personalities on startup success. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-12. Publication details
Braesemann, F., Lehdonvirta, V. and Kässi, O. (2022). ICTs and the urban-rural divide: can online labour platforms bridge the gap? Information, Communication & Society, 25(1), 34-54. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1761857 Publication details
Working paper
Braesemann, F., & Schuler, M. (2022). Data Science vs Putin: How much does each of us pay for Putin’s war? arXiv preprint. DOI: arXiv:2203.02756 Publication details
Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Teutloff, O., Kässi, O., Graham, M., & Lehdonvirta, V. (2021). The polarisation of remote work. Available at SSRN. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3919655 Publication details
Krell, T., Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Friederici, N., & Meier, P. (2020). A Mixed-Method Landscape Analysis of SME-focused B2B Platforms in Germany. Social Science Research Network. Publication details
Other publications
Stephany, F., Braesemann, F., Stoehr, N., Darius, P., Teutloff, O., & Neuhäuser, L. (2022). Quo Vadis, CoRisk-Index? Oxford Internet Institute Blog. Publication details
Friederici, N., Krell, T., Meier, P., Braesemann, F., & Stephany, F. (2020). Plattforminnovation im Mittelstand, . Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Social Data Science and the Digital Economy4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (Session: Social Data Science and the Digital Economy). CARMA 2022, Valencia, Spain: 29.06.2022 Further information
Fabian Braesemann
Organisation of events
Research sprint: Sustainable Digital EconomiesFrom 31.05.2022 to 27.07.2022. online, Accra, Ghana. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Ghana (International)
Katja Derichs, Ann-Kristin Ziesemer, Fabian Braesemann, Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm
Media appearances
Sovereign data control could boost Africa’s ‘gig economy’ (27.06.2022). Rwanda Post
Further information
Polarizing Trends in the Gig Economy (16.05.2022). Data Skeptic Podcast
Further information
BE:CURIOUS Podcast from the Berlin University Alliance (15.02.2022). BE:CURIOUS Podcast from the Berlin University Alliance
Further information

Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society