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Fabian Sofsky

Fabian Sofsky works as an associate researcher in the international research project “Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies  and Closure in Media, Policy, and Research“. His research interests lie in the governance of scientific and technological innovations and linking theoretical concepts such as Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Responsible Research and Innovation policies.
After a bachelor’s degree in automotive engineering, Fabian is studying in the elite English-language master’s program Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology at the Department of Science, Technology and Society at the Technical University of Munich. During his STS studies, he focused on Politics and Governance and in particular on the policies of the European Union in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the emerging imaginaries. He is writing his master’s thesis on the policy discourse on Artificial Intelligence in the European Parliament and its political implications.
Prior to his studies, Fabian gained numerous work experiences in the aerospace industry as well as practical experience in the European institutions at the intersection of science and technology policy and politics. In the latter, he completed a Schuhman internship in the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, where he worked for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) as well as the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA).

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Fecher, B., Hebing, M., Laufer, M., Pohle, J., Sofsky, F. (2023). Friend or foe? Exploring the implications of large language models on the science system. AI & Society, 38. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-023-01791-1 Publication details

Fecher, B., Hebing, M., Laufer, M., Pohle, J., & Sofsky, F. (2023). Friend or foe? Exploring the implications of large language models on the science system. AI & Soc. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-023-01791-1 Publication details

Other publications

Fecher, B., Hebing, M., Laufer, M., Pohle, J., Sofsky, F. (2023). Friend or Foe? Exploring the Implications of Large Language Models on the Science System. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Publication details

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Former Associated Researcher: The Evolving Digital Society

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