Ferdinand Bálint Dorendorf
Ferdinand Bálint Dorendorf is a student assistant in the field of design and part of the research group Public Interest AI at the HIIG. His task is the innovative communication of the research work and its results.
As a master student of communication in social and economic contexts at the Berlin University of the Arts, he examines the communication and narratives of the “new” and of innovations that are not yet uniformly established in social discourse, such as A.I. or recent developments in the bioeconomy. As a communication designer, he has already worked with various institutions such as the Potsdam Science Park or the Humboldt-Innovation GmbH.
In the context of his bachelor’s degree project, Ferdinand received the Berlin Startup Scholarship in 2019 for the further development of his prototype, which, based on Airbnb’s open source software ‘Lottie’, combines animations with databases for real-time adjustments.

Former Student Assistant: AI & Society Lab
Research issues in focus
HIIG is currently working on exciting topics. Learn more about our interdisciplinary pioneering work in public discourse.