Florence Millerand, Dr.
Florence Millerand is Associate Professor at the Department of Public and Social Communication at Université du Québec in Montréal, Canada. She is codirector of the Laboratory of Computer-Mediated Communication (LabCMO) – an experimental and research lab at the cross-road of open-source computing and computer-mediated communication. She is a full member of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST) – an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the social study of scientific and technological activities, and of the Groupe de recherche et d’observation sur les usages et cultures médiatiques (GRM) – a research group on media cultures and ICTs usage. She is an affiliated researcher with the Comparative Interoperability project, University of California, San Diego. At the Alexander von Humboldt Institute she was a visiting researcher whose projects corresponded with the research project Open Science.
Publications at: http://www.florencemillerand.

Former Associate Researcher