Florian Süssenguth
Florian Süssenguth teaches and conducts his research at the Institute of Sociology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. He is interested in empirical research on practices of data and discourses of digitization within different social contexts and their implication for the formulation and advancement of theories of society and of social differentiation.
In this dissertation project he is using an evolutionary approach to explore the German discourse on Netzpolitik (net politics and net policy) and the commission of enquiry Internet and Digital Society. He traces how phenomena of digital media are framed as political problems by political parties and parliaments in the first place and how digital media lead to innovation in the structures the political system itself, too.
As an Associate Researcher at HIIG in the research area of Internet Policy and Governance he will continue and expand his research.
Süssenguth, F. (Hg.) (2015). Die Gesellschaft der Daten. Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen Ordnung. Bielefeld: transcript. Publication details

Former Associate Researcher: Internet Policy and Governance