Itamar Mann, Dr.
Dr. Itamar Mann is a senior lecturer at the University of Haifa, Faculty of Law. His scholarship focuses on international law and political theory with an emphasis on the legal, political, and ethical questions refugees and migrants raise. He also has an interest in the transformations information technologies generate in international law, with particular emphasis on international humanitarian law. Itamar Mann has published in leading journals and edited volumes, and his monograph, Humanity at Sea: Maritime Migration and the Foundations of International Law, came out with Cambridge University Press in 2016. Alongside his academic work, he is a legal adviser at GLAN (Global Legal Action Network), where he advances strategic human rights litigation. Before moving to Haifa, Mann was a fellow at Georgetown Law Center, Washington DC. He holds an LLB (Tel Aviv University), LLM, and JSD degrees (Yale Law School).
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Mann, I. (2018). The Disaggregated Law of Global Mass Surveillance. The Changing Practices of International Law (Tanja Aalberts and Thomas Gammeltoft Hansen, eds.). Publication details

Former Visiting researcher: Data, actors, infrastructures