Jan Christian Sahl
Jan is an attorney-at-law and a visiting professor for constitutional law at Humboldt University Berlin. He is the founder and CEO of welobby, a lobbying platform for citizens and non-profit organisations.
Prior to this, he worked for the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the German Bundestag and several law firms and consulting companies in Berlin and Brussels. His research and work focuses on questions of the digital transformation and its impact on companies and state institutions.
At HIIG, Jan is part of the research programme “Knowledge, education, innovation”. In this context he analyses how startup-thinking and digital technologies such as blockchain, data analytics or artificial intelligence can improve the work of legislators and public administration.
Media appearances
Die DSGVO gilt auch für personenbezogene Maschinendaten (07.05.2018). Markt und Mittelstand
Further information

Associated Researcher: Learning, knowledge, innovation