Jana Schudrowitz
Jana Schudrowitz studied Media and Communication as well as History of Art at the Universities of Trier and Manitoba.
She has accompanied the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society since 2012 and currently works as Executive Assistant to the Managing Director. She is particularly motivated by the task of bringing researchers across global and disciplinary borders together and by enabling inclusive, collaborative and prying research on the vital, nagging issues of our digital society.
Until 2011, Jana Schudrowitz worked as an employee of the Media Innovation Center Babelsberg (MIZ) and contributed to its development. From 2009 she supported the relaunch process of the channel ALEX Offener Kanal Berlin and worked as a project collaborator for the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb) performing analyses and evaluations. Previously, she worked as a student assistant in various research projects on the subject of online journalism as well as a tutor. She wrote for the dpa Basisdienst and worked on new formats in their online editorial department.
In 2003 she completed her professional training in tourism management in France.
Her personal interest lies in transitions and diverse utopias of modernisation – especially in art, society and politics.

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