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Jella Ohnesorge

As a student assistant, Jella Ohnesorge supports the DSA research network, which aims to monitor and improve the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA). 

She is studying for a Master’s degree in Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin, where she also completed her Bachelor’s degree with a thesis on the continuities of National Socialist labour law in the FRG. Her studies generally focus on political theory and the intersection of politics and law. In particular, she is interested in the democratic implications of the influence of social media platforms on public debate and platform governance in general.

Before joining the HIIG, she worked as a student assistant at the Berlin Social Science Center. Prior to that, she gained experience working at NaturFreunde Berlin e.V., was a tutor for undergraduate lectures at the Otto-Suhr-Institut of Freie Universität Berlin, and completed an internship at the ZEIT Foundation.

  • Schwarz-weiß-Foto eines langen Flurs, der in die Ferne führt, mit schlichten Wänden und einem klaren, geraden Verlauf. Die Türen an den Seiten stehen die für die verschiedenen Interessengruppen, mit denen das DSA Forschungsnetzwerk zusammenarbeitet.
    Politics & law

    DSA research network

    This project supports and improves the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) through cooperative research and networking.

Jella Ohnesorge


Student assistant: DSA research network