Kaja Scheliga
Kaja Scheliga studied English and Drama (BA) at Royal Holloway, University of London and Computer Science (MSc) at University College London. After graduating she worked for WPP in both Sales and Project Management. At the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society her research topic was Open Science.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Scheliga, K., Friesike, S., Puschmann, C., & Fecher, B. (2016). Setting up crowd science projects. Public Understanding of Science, 1-20. Publication details
Scheliga, K. (2015). Communication Forms and Digital Technologies in the Process of Collaborative Writing. Proceedings of the Second International Conference, INSCI 2015 Brussels, Belgium, May 27-29, 2015 Proceedings, LNCS 9089, 113-122. Publication details
Scheliga, K. (2015). Collaborative Writing in the Context of Science 2.0. i-KNOW '15. Publication details
Scheliga, K. (2014). Opening Science: New publication forms in science. GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 14(3). Publication details
Scheliga, K. & Friesike, S. (2014). Putting open science into practice: A social dilemma? First Monday, Volume 19(9). Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Fenner, M., Scheliga, K., & Bartling, S. (2013). Reference Management. In Bartling, S. & Friesike (Eds.), Opening Science (pp. 125-138). New York, NY: Springer. Publication details
Other publications
Scheliga, K. (2014). Open Science Interviews, . Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Collaborative Writing in the Context of Science 2.0i-KNOW '15 (Session: Collaborative Writing in the Context of Science 2.0). Know-Center GmbH. Messe Congress Graz, Graz, Austria: 22.10.2015
Kaja Scheliga
Communication Forms and Digital Technologies in the Process of Collaborative Writing2nd International Conference on Internet Science (Session: Internet and Innovation). European Network of Excellence in Internet Science. Flagey, Brussels, Belgium: 29.05.2015
Kaja Scheliga
Get Them Involved: Motivational Strategies of Citizen Science PlatformsGeneral Online Research Conference. German Society for Online Research (DGOF). Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany: 19.03.2015
Kaja Scheliga
Offene Wissenschaft und Digitale Technologien in der Forschungspraxisopen TA-Workshop. open TA. Neue Mälzerei, Berlin, Germany: 25.02.2015
Kaja Scheliga
Offene Wissenschaft: Potenziale und GrenzenUniversität der Künste, Winterschool: Grenzwertig. Master-Studiengang Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation. Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany: 17.02.2015
Kaja Scheliga
Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium (Session: Books gone wild – wie wir wissenschaftliche Bücher offen, kollaborativ und kontinuierlich schreiben.). Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Berlin, Germany: 09.12.2014Lambert Heller, Kaja Scheliga
Neue Publikationsformen in der WissenschaftAGMB-Jahrestagung Mannheim 2014 (Medizinbibliotheken: Information). AGMB-Jahrestagung. Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany: 24.09.2014
Kaja Scheliga
Session: Books gone wild - wie wir wissenschaftliche Bücher offen, kollaborativ und kontinuierlich schreibenRe:publica14. Re:publica. Station Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland: 07.05.2014
Kaja Scheliga, Lambert Heller, Sönke Bartling
The social dilemma of putting the idea of open science into practiceScience 2.0 Conference. Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0. Riverside, Hamburg, Germany: 26.03.2014
Kaja Scheliga
PhD Spring School 2014 (Session: The impact of online tools on the scientific research process). Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW). Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW), Hamburg, Germany: 24.03.2014Kaja Scheliga
The social dilemma of putting the idea of open science into practiceGeneral Online Research Conference. German Society for Online Research (DGOF). Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany: 06.03.2014
Kaja Scheliga

Former Associated Researcher: Learning, knowledge, innovation