Karina Preiss, Dr.
Dr. Karina Preiss has been Managing Director of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society since 2012 and has been responsible for its founding process. After setting up the Internet and Society Foundation, she took over its executive management in 2015. She has also been a member of the Supervisory Board of TUTECH Innovation GmbH Hamburg since 2017 and a member of the Supervisory Board of ems – electronic media school since 2022.
Prior to this, Ms. Preiss headed the establishment of the Media Innovation Center Babelsberg (MIZ) on behalf of the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb) and implemented various innovation projects in the area of strategy and organisation as part of the Excellence Initiative as a consultant in the presidential staff of the Technische Universität München (TUM). In addition to these projects, Ms. Preiss worked as an independent consultant in strategy, marketing and organisational development for startups and was co-founder of an Internet startup in the social sector. She studied media culture and obtained her doctorate in the field of media economics at the Bauhaus University Weimar on organisational structures in virtual organisations.
Dr. Karina Preiss is driven by the question of a dynamic, learning organisation that enables a balanced relationship between the interests of employees and the goals of the company in order to achieve a high motivation of the entire team. This also includes creating structures that are continuously evolving and adaptable to new circumstances while still offering basic, efficiency-enhancing routines and processes. These objectives are complemented by her interests in knowledge, lifelong learning, digital education and the role of science in an age of digital innovation, in a country that needs knowledge as a core resource.
Other publications
Wrobel, M., Schildhauer, T., & Preiß, K. (2017). Kooperationen zwischen Startups und Mittelstand. Learn. Match. Partner. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details
Fecher, B., Schulz, W., Preiß, K., & Schildhauer, T. (2016). Schlüsselressource Wissen: Lernen in einer digitalisierten Welt. Studie des Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft im Auftrag des Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie (BDI) und der Internet Economy Foundation (IE.F). Publication details
Media appearances
Mittelstand meets Start-up (26.02.2018). Wiener Zeitung
Further information
Zusammenarbeit von Start-ups und Mittelstand fördert Innovation (27.12.2017). markenartikel
Further information

Managing Director
T. +49(0)30 2007-6082