Katherina Holscher Blackman
Katherina Holscher Blackman has been part of the Knowledge and Society research program as a student assistant since December 2023. She is involved in the ELADOAH project, which aims to establish a living open access culture in German research and academic practice.
Katherina is studying for a Master’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her focus are environmental anthropology and psychological anthropology. In her Master’s thesis, she deals with the value of multisensory environmental education for school children.
She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Religious Studies also at the Freie Universität Berlin. During this time, she completed an internship at the Spanish cultural institute Instituto Cervantes Berlin, where she managed social media channels and helped organize events.
- Politics & law · Science & education
Acquisition logic as an obstacle to Diamond Open Access
The research project is investigating how Diamond Open Access publication model can be organised in Germany in the long term.
Working paper
Henkes, L., Wrzesinski, M., & Holscher Blackman, K. (2025). Open Access gemeinsam gemacht: Kollaborative Ansätze des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14800427 Publication details
Lectures and presentations
„ELADOAH Forschungsbericht zu gemeinschaftlichen Publikationsmodellen“Sprechstunde der Landesinitiative openaccess.nrw. Landesinitiative openaccess.nrw. Online, Online, Germany: 25.07.2024 Further information
Lena Marie Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski, Katherina Holscher Blackman
Organisation of events
Diamond Open Access verankern: Netzwerke und Community-PflegeFrom 15.01.2025 to 15.01.2025. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information
Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski
Diamond Open Access verbreiten und stärken: Qualität, Reputation und TransparenzFrom 12.12.2024 to 12.12.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information
Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski
Diamond Open Access erfolgreich organisieren und gestalten: Governance-Strukturen und nachhaltige Organisationsprinzipien13.11.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information
Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski
Diamond Open Access Blitzlicht: Zwischenergebnisse BMBF-geförderter ProjekteWebinar International Open Access Week. From 24.10.2024 to 24.10.2024. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information
Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski
Gemeinsam finanzieren, gemeinsam profitieren: Diamond Open Access nachhaltig gestaltenGemeinsamer Workshop von KOALA-AV & ELADOAH. 17.10.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: KOALA-AV (National) Further information
Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Student Assistant: Knowledge & Society