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Articles from the category: Knowledge

Information bubbles, are they a myth or a part of our daily digital lives? - Generic Image

Information bubbles, are they a myth or a part of our daily digital lives?

The internet and social media in particular are often seen as important elements of modern democracy, not only because they make one-to-one and one-to-many communication easier, but because they can…

Of Cash and Cat-Content - Generic Image

Of Cash and Cat-Content

At the end of June, when the web-video-scene met for their fifth, annual VidCon industry gathering in Anaheim, California, it was made clear that, in regards to contents, dilettante cat-content…

All the world’s a laboratory? On Facebook’s emotional contagion experiment and user rights - Generic Image

All the world’s a laboratory? On Facebook’s emotional contagion experiment and user rights

by Cornelius Puschmann and HIIG Fellow Engin Bozdag How significant is the impact of what we read on Facebook on what we post there, specifically on our emotions? And to what extent…

On IT-Infrastructure security as a complex, not necessarily complicated, task - Generic Image

On IT-Infrastructure security as a complex, not necessarily complicated, task

Every society builds upon functioning infrastructures which are kept as free from bugs and manipulations as possible. That is all the more true when it comes to critical information infrastructures,…

Participating and making decisions online – Participation study 2014 of the HIIG - Generic Image

Participating and making decisions online – Participation study 2014 of the HIIG

The rise of the Internet has been accompanied by the promise of an overall democratization like no other medium before (Dorer, 2008). Ever since, the discussion about increasing participation in…

Europe has voted… - Generic Image

Europe has voted…

Europe has voted – at least a minority of about 43 per cent of 400 million eligible voters did. Subtracting disappointed voters that wanted to state against established parties or…