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Articles from the category: Knowledge

How Postmodern is 3D-Printing? - Generic Image

How Postmodern is 3D-Printing?

The progressive proliferation of 3D-printing services, models, and — most importantly — devices has encouraged me to draft a follow-up article on my previous blog entry on Marx, Engels, and…

Urban Security - Generic Image

Urban Security

Which role do digital structures play? Already, a largest number of people in Germany and Europe live in urban areas and this trend does not seem to stop in the…

Exploring Doradical Futures with Sputniko! - Generic Image

Exploring Doradical Futures with Sputniko!

This blog post reflects upon the work of Sputniko!. Sputniko! is a Designer/Artist who currently works at MIT Media Lab as Assistant Professor of the Design Fictions Group. Recently, she…

Data Sharing Angst – An Insight to an Ongoing Research on Data Sharing in Academia - Generic Image

Data Sharing Angst – An Insight to an Ongoing Research on Data Sharing in Academia

From November 2013 to today, my colleague Sascha Friesike and me were conducting a systematic review with the intent to identify factors that influence a researcher’s data sharing behavior. The…

Civil Security Research and the Internet - Generic Image

Civil Security Research and the Internet

“The worldwide web offers all the prerequisites needed to undermine all citizens’ fundamental rights in this country being enshrined in the first ten articles of our constitution. This is particularly…

Reforming formats – A workshop report - Generic Image

Reforming formats – A workshop report

Reforming formats. A workshop report Formats are part and parcel of the global entertainment industry. In their local guises, programs like the exceptionally successful formats Who wants to be a Millionaire?,…