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Articles from the category: Knowledge

Science goes darknet? - Generic Image

Science goes darknet?

Why do many scientists publish their revolutionary ideas under a cryptical pseudonym on open access platforms? Sönke Bartling, associated researcher at HIIG, is analysing what is behind this trend.  Scientists…

How Blockchain can foster innovation in science - Generic Image

How Blockchain can foster innovation in science

Academia is stuck in an analogue thinking. Blockchain technology, a decentral storage system, has the capacity to make digital goods immutable, transparent, and provable and it could solve many of the issues…

Mountain or Molehill? The next step in e-education in Kenya is just about to begin - Generic Image

Mountain or Molehill? The next step in e-education in Kenya is just about to begin

Starting last Monday, school life for students in 150 primary schools in Kenya is supposed to change significantly. They will be part of the first 12 week roll-out phase of the Digital…

Misconceptions about academic data sharing - Generic Image

Misconceptions about academic data sharing

Written by Benedikt Fecher & Gert Wagner.  In a recent editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, the authors Longo and Drazen critically assessed the concept of data sharing in…

The pain will pass, yet, the title might stay. PhD-ing in six stages (to be continued) - Generic Image

The pain will pass, yet, the title might stay. PhD-ing in six stages (to be continued)

This blog post is dedicated to the experiences HIIG doctoral researcher Martina made during the first two years of her PhD research. With a slightly ironic tone, Martina describes six…

Big data: from the doom of sociology to its method - Generic Image

Big data: from the doom of sociology to its method

This article was published first by the Internet Policy Review. Once, Mike Savage predicted the downfall of sociology – but now, he revises his pessimism. In 2007, his famous essay…