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Articles from the category: Knowledge

Seizing the Moment – Is Our Understanding of Open Access Too Shortsighted? - Generic Image

Seizing the Moment – Is Our Understanding of Open Access Too Shortsighted?

Two weeks ago, the entire editorial board of the journal Lingua quit and announced they would launch a new journal named Glossa. Lingua’s executive editor Johan Rooryck said the reason for the…

Impressions from the i-KNOW - Generic Image

Impressions from the i-KNOW

This year the i-KNOW conference celebrated its 15th anniversary with a diverse program. It included an opening keynote by Luciano Floridi on “Big Data, Small Patterns, Subtle Consequences”, an industry…

Early Stage Researchers Colloquium 2015: a summary. - Generic Image

Early Stage Researchers Colloquium 2015: a summary.

This year’s Colloquium, on September 24th at WZB, was the fourth edition of an international stage for Ph.D. candidates  and post-docs from all disciplines on Internet and society. The event…

Open Access – But How? - Generic Image

Open Access – But How?

The Open-Access movement has been part of the academic mainstream for long. It seems clear that most would welcome open access to science, but in a next step we need…

Collapsing Ivory Towers? A Hyperlink Analysis of the German Academic Blogosphere - Generic Image

Collapsing Ivory Towers? A Hyperlink Analysis of the German Academic Blogosphere

Jonas und ich haben neulich eine kleine ad-hoc-Analyse deutschsprachiger Wissenschaftsblogs durchgeführt. Wir wollten wissen, wie und auf wen deutschsprachige Wissenschaftsblogs verlinken, um herauszufinden, ob diese neue, nicht-disziplinäre Cluster bilden (tun sie), ob auch Nicht-Wissenschaftler wissenschaftliche Blogs schreiben (tun sie), ob Wissenschaftler auch Nicht-Wissenschaftler wahrnehmen (tun sie) und welche Quellen für sie relevant sind (andere Blogs) bzw. nicht relevant sind (klassische Massenmedien). Die detaillierten Ergebnisse unserer Hyperlink-Analyse könnt ihr hierunter (auf Englisch) lesen.

Open Science in the Land of Ideas - Generic Image

Open Science in the Land of Ideas

We are very happy that our Open Science Project got the “Deutschland – Land der Ideen” award We made a short video to celebrate. Wir freuen uns, dass unser Projekt Opening Science* im Wettbewerb…