Lennart Ziebarth
Lennart Ziebarth studied Law at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. His research interest lies with public and private media law in which he already absolved the appropriate main focus. While studying he was student assistant to the consultant of the faculty of law. Since April 2012 he is working at the Hans Bredow Institute in the area of ‘Media- and telecommunication law’ as junior researcher. In his doctor’s thesis he covers the need and possibility of guaranteeing net neutrality.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Staben, J. & Ziebarth, L. (2015). German participatory settings and their common regulatory design principles. International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 5(3), 270-289. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Digitising the German parliament‘s petition system: Common (mis)perceptions and legal realityePractice eParticipation: ICT empowering citizens. European Commission, DG Connect. EU Quarters, Brussels, Belgium: 15.10.2013
Julian Staben, Lennart Ziebarth
Media appearances
Sonntagmorgen (02.02.2014). SWR1

Former Researcher: Internet and Media Regulation