Licinia Güttel
Licinia Güttel was an associated researcher in the international research project Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies and Closure in Media, Policy, and Research, which explores through a comparative longitudinal study how AI as a sociotechnical institution is integrated into our societies.
Licinia studies Franco-German Political and Social Sciences as a double bachelor program between Free University Berlin and the European campus of Sciences Po Paris. In the 2018-2019 academic year at Sciences Po, she was among the top 2% of her class and received the Summa Cum Laude award for her work. She is also a scholarship recipient of the American Stephen M. Kellen Foundation and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
In her trilingual study program, Licinia has placed a special focus on social and political implications of digitization, including the political and ethical issues surrounding AI. Prior to her high school graduation, she participated at a talent program for high school students at the Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn where she attended university classes in law and philosophy.
During her studies, Licinia completed internships at a federal state’s representation to the EU in Brussels and at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. She also volunteered for a united Europe and organized and held a workshop on disinformation in social media at the youth congress “You:Ko” of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Liebig, L., Güttel, L., Jobin, A., & Katzenbach, C. (2022). Subnational AI policy: shaping AI in a multi-level governance system. AI & Society. DOI: Publication details
Working paper
Jobin, A., Guettel, L., Liebig, L., & Katzenbach, C. (2021). AI Federalism: shaping AI policy within states in Germany. arXiv. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
AI federalism: shaping AI policy within statesDigital Democracy Workshop (Session: Governance, Regulation, and Public Policy). Democracy Community of the Digital Society Initiative, Digital Democracy Lab at the University of Zurich. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 28.10.2021 Further information
Licinia Gütel, Anna Jobin

Former associated Researcher: The Evolving Digital Society