Luiza Bengtsson, Dr.
Luiza Bengtsson studied Chemistry and Eastern – and Central European Studies at Lund University in Sweden. In her PhD-work at the Free University in Berlin and her postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, USA, at the Free University and the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, she mainly focused on the communication in and between the cells and uncovered some puzzle pieces needed for understanding the interfaces between different signal transduction circuits.
In 2011, Luiza left the wet lab, but kept the communication topic: she now focuses on creating and expanding science and society interfaces. In her role as knowledge exchange and public engagement manager at the MDC, Luiza heads a team, which produces art-science and citizen-science collaborations, trains teachers and organizes large science popularization events. She’s also part of the EU-funded ORION Open Science Project, where she heads the work package responsible for Open Science training and hosts and produces the ORION Open Science Podcast.
At HIIG, Luiza joined the Data, Actors, Infrastructures – team to work on implementing Data & Society Interface research projects with the vision to enable open data access for public good, without data sharing in the classical sense and without collateral damage to individuals or institutions.

Former Associated Researcher: Data, Actors, Infrastructures