Marvin Sievering
Marvin Sievering supported as a student assistant the research project Organizational Resilience and Creativity: Exploring the Future of Educational Technology (ORC), which is part of the research program Knowledge & Society.
He is currently studying for a Master’s degree in “Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies” at the Latin American Institute of Freie Universität Berlin and conducted research on sustainability and urban development during his stay abroad at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Through the Berlin University Alliance Program, he also participated in the Master’s program “Health Professions Education” at the Charité Berlin.
He completed his bachelor’s degree in social sciences with the supplement “Europe in Global Change” at the University of Siegen. Previously, Marvin worked as an intern with Frank Schwabe (MdB) as well as with the development organization Germanwatch.
Other publications
Laufer, M., Mende, M., & Sievering, M. (2023). EdTech: The secret to its implementation. Digital society blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Resilience and Edtech at the UniversityECPR General Conference 2024. University College Dublin. University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland: 12.08.2024 Further information
Freia Kuper, Bronwen Deacon, Melissa Laufer, Maricia Aline Mende, Marvin Sievering
Sensemaking and the future university: Exploring the role digitalization strategies play for university teachers’ engagement with EdTech40th EGOS Colloquium - Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People. EGOS. University of Milan-Bicocca, Mailand, Italien: 05.07.2024
Bronwen Deacon, Freia Kuper, Melissa Laufer, Marvin Sievering, Len Ole Schäfer
Ein Diskurs über Verantwortung - Krise, Resilienz und EdTech an HochschulenUniversity:Future Festival 2024 - Tales of Tomorrow. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland: 05.06.2024 Further information
Maricia Aline Mende, Marvin Sievering, Bronwen Deacon, Freia Kuper, Melissa Laufer

Former student assistant: Organizational Resilience and Creativity (ORC)