Miriam Wolf, Dr.
Miriam Wolf was a project leader at the Humboldt institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). In the Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society group she was responsible for the project „Mittelstand 4.0“.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Scheidgen, K., Gümüşay, A.A., Günzel-Jensen, F., Krlev, G., & Wolf, M. (2021). Crises and entrepreneurial opportunities: digital social innovation in response to physical distancing. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15. Publication details
Wolf, M., & Mair, J. (2019). Purpose, Commitment and Coordination around Small Wins: A Proactive Approach to Governance in Integrated Social Enterprises. Voluntas, 30(3), 535-548. DOI: /10.1007/s11266-019-00116-5 Publication details
Wolf, M., & Herzig, M. (2019). Inside Switzerland’s Radical Drug Policy Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Publication details
Herzig, M., Wolf, M., & Kehl, K. (2018). Versagen und Innovation. Die Schweizer Drogenpolitik. Tagung Soziale Innovation.. Publication details
Wolf, M., Amstutz, J., & Kehl, K. (2018). Soziale Innovation, soziale Investition, soziales Unternehmertum: Was können wir in der Schweiz aus internationalen Studien lernen? Tagung Soziale Innovation.. Publication details
Wolf, M., & Pandza, K. (2018). Organizing for institutional complexity: Field-configuring organizations. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia.. Publication details
Mair, J., Wolf, M., & Seelos, C. (2016). Scaffolding: A Process of Transforming Patterns of Inequality in Small-Scale Societies. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 2021-2044. DOI: /10.5465/amj.2015.0725 Publication details
Dolgova, E., Wolf, M., & Pandza, K. (2014). Massive open online courses: the emergence of a field. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia.. DOI: /10.5465/ambpp.2014.16922abstract Publication details
Wolf, M., & Störmer, E. (2010). Institutional Constraints on Decentralisation of Wastewater Infrastructures in Saxony. Network Industries Quaterly, 12(1). Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Wolf, M., & Wilkins, T. A. (2015). Managing structural ambiguity: Understanding new challenges in collaborative R&D policy making. In Dimitris Assimakopoulos, Ilan Oshri, & Krsto Pandza (Eds.), Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact. Edward Elgar Series on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pp. 285-304). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Publication details
Other publications
Ulich, A., & Wolf, M. (2021). 4 Kerneigenschaften & Unterstützungsformate für die Digitalisierung im Mittelstand. Digital society blog. Publication details
Wolf, M., Mair, J., Rathert N., & Ioan, A. (2017). Policy Brief on Governance of Social Enterprises. European Policy Brief. SEFORÏS, . Publication details
Mair, J., Wolf, M., & Ioan, A. (2016). Germany Country Report: A first analyses and profiling of social enterprises in Germany. SEFORÏS, . Publication details
Wolf, M., & Ioan, A. (2016). Social enterprises in Germany and the refugee crisis: What role do they take? Seforis Blog, . Publication details
Wolf, M., & Ioan, A. (2015) (2015). Facing unexpected challenges – social entrepreneurs and the refugee crisis in Germany. Seforis Blog, . Publication details
Wolf, M. (2014). The State of Social Entrepreneurship in Germany. SEFORÏS Country Report, . Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Governance in Social Enterprises. Insights from SEFORÏS research project.Seforïs Conference. Aston University, Birmingham, UK: 09.12.2016
Miriam Wolf
Social Impact of Social EnterprisesNPI Social Enterprise Forum. Pudong, Shanghai, China: 23.06.2014
Miriam Wolf
SMO Workshop (Session: Shaping the rules? Institutional complexity and deliberative policy making. SMO Workshop Presentation). University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada: 01.10.2012Miriam Wolf
Research Team "The Digital Revolution and the New Social Contract" at IE Madrid.Sonja Köhne, Fabian Stephany, Philip Meier, Miriam Wolf, Christoph Gerling

Former Project lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society